npm @microblink/blinkid-in-browser-sdk 6.7.1
BlinkID v6.7.1

latest releases: 6.8.0, 6.7.2
one month ago


New Features

Improved blur and glare detection

  • enableBlurFilter and enableGlareFilter properties have been added on BlinkID recognizer settings. These are enabled by default, but users can turn them off if they want to allow blur and glare on captured frames.

  • blurStrictnessLevel and glareStrictnessLevel properties have been added on BlinkID recognizer settings. These can be configured using the StrictnessLevel enum, which can be Strict, Normal (default) or Relaxed.

  • New properties on ImageAnalysisResult:

    • blurDetected and glareDetected

Bug fixes

  • A bug that caused memory leaks when reconfiguring the recognizer runner has been fixed
  • The barcode scanning step feedback is now properly displayed in the UI component
  • Improved camera selection algorithm

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • allowBlurFilter has been renamed to enableBlurFilter
  • The blurred property on ImageAnalysisResult has been renamed to blurDetected

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