Jul 26, 2021
Big thanks to the 20 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
- ✨ We introduced a new codemod for converting JSS styles to emotion (#27292) @siriwatknp
It should help the adoption of v5, by making possible the removal of JSS sooner. - 🐛 The majority of other changes in this release were bug fixes, test utilities, and docs.
- [Autocomplete] Explain how the loading prop works (#27416) @michaldudak
- [Autocomplete] Update input value when the input changes (#27313) @turtleseason
- [Autocomplete] Popper is not closing when the Autocomplete is disabled (#27312) @Goodiec
- [Checkbox] Skip default hover styles with `disableRipple` (#27314) @faan234
- [Dialog] Fix override paper styles (#27423) @newsiberian
- [Grid] Remove width prop for rowSpacing (#27326) @sashkopavlenko
- [Input] Merge `componentsProps` correctly (#27371) @mnajdova
- [Pagination] Fixed usePagination requires @emotion in development mode (#27348) @ruppysuppy
- [Pagination] Fix :hover effect on previous/next button (#27304) @Aubrey-Li
- [Popper] Consistent timing of popper instance creation (#27233) @eps1lon
- [Select] Add `SelectChangeEvent` for accurate types for event in onChange prop (#27370) @eps1lon
- [Tabs] Use theme transition duration for the Tab animation (#27303) @florianbepunkt
- [TextField] Allow custom colors in FormLabel (#27337) @oliviertassinari
- [TextField] Fix name of componentsProps (#27338) @oliviertassinari
- [transitions] Make sure inline styles used for transition values if declared (#27140) @eps1lon
- [codemod] Add `optimal-imports` for v5 (#27404) @mnajdova
- [codemod] Add jss to emotion codemod (#27292) @siriwatknp
- [codemod] Fix running codemod CLI on Windows (#27395) @michaldudak
- [codemod] Fix published version (#27384) @eps1lon
- [codemod] Improve README.md (#27257) @mnajdova
- [NoSsr] Move NoSsr to the Unstyled package (#27356) @michaldudak
- [system] Compute display name of `styled` component if `name` isn't set (#27401) @eps1lon
- [system] Adds missing type for `shouldForwardProp` (#27310) @KLubin1
- [pickers] Only accept dates from adapters in min/max props (#27392) @eps1lon
- [pickers] Fallback to today if all possible dates are disabled (#27294) @eps1lon
- [pickers] Minify error when LocalizationProvider is missing (#27295) @eps1lon
- [pickers] Fix Fade animation behavior change (#27283) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Display Popper arrow correctly (#27339) @Patil2099
- [docs] Focus pickers introduction on Material-UI (#27394) @eps1lon
- [docs] Fix wrong import path in @material-ui/styles section (#27427) @WeldonTan
- [docs] Update color imports (#27321) @siriwatknp
- [docs] Sync params of callbacks between types and JSDoc description (#27366) @eps1lon
- [docs] Add migration note for synthetic native events in onChange (#27368) @eps1lon
- [docs] Improve unstyled docs (#27382) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Update `Transitions` page (#27319) @siriwatknp
- [docs] Add Unstyled components docs page (#27158) @michaldudak
- [docs] Fix app bar regression (#27373) @mnajdova
- [docs] Update migration guide to have a section on nested classes (#27354) @mnajdova
- [docs] Convert App* components to emotion (#27150) @eps1lon
- [docs] Fix duplicate "Theme" header (#27353) @eps1lon
- [docs] Remove horizontal scrollbar in MiniDrawer (#27055) @AlvesJorge
- [docs] Add `makeStyles` explanation in troubleshooting (#27322) @siriwatknp
- [docs] Fix ExpansionPanel migration notes (#27352) @eps1lon
- [docs] Transpile markdown files (#27349) @eps1lon
- [docs] Fix typo in the word typography (#27329) @tudi2d
- [docs] Use actual symbol of kilogram (#27332) @getsnoopy
- [docs] Make migration doc easier to follow (#26948) @siriwatknp
- [examples] Cleanup `gatsby` examples (#27375) @mnajdova
- [examples] Create nextjs example using styled-components (#27088) @hboylan
- [examples] Update gatsby example to use custom plugin (#27357) @mnajdova
- [core] Remove obsolete styles documentation (#27350) @eps1lon
- [core] Fix GitHub language detection (#27298) @oliviertassinari
- [test] Include coverage report of browser tests (#27389) @eps1lon
- [test] Add current behavior for getDisplayName with context components (#27402) @eps1lon
- [test] Enable skipped picker tests (#27268) @eps1lon
- [website] Add hero section to homepage (#27364) @siriwatknp
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @AlvesJorge, @Aubrey-Li, @eps1lon, @faan234, @florianbepunkt, @g
etsnoopy, @Goodiec, @hboylan, @KLubin1, @michaldudak, @mnajdova, @newsiberian, @oliviertassinari, @Patil2099, @ruppysupp
y, @sashkopavlenko, @siriwatknp, @tudi2d, @turtleseason, @WeldonTan