npm @justeat/fozzie 0.100.0

latest releases: 11.2.2, 11.2.1, 11.2.0...
5 years ago


  • Stop FOIT JS module to reduce meaningful paint with webfonts

You will need to add is-fontsLoading--base is-fontsLoading--heading to the <body> of your page.
The stopFoit module runs fontFaceOberserver and will remove the classes once the webfonts have been loaded or will timeout after 3 seconds after the javascript has initialised.

During load, the page will render with a preload font family ('Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif).

You will need to include the stopFoit module within your javascript by importing and then initialising the module:

import { stopFoit } from '@justeat/fozzie';


  • formToggle count text size

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