6.2.4-nightly.20220824 (2022-08-24)
Bug Fixes
- alert: add default aria-label (#25800) (d395a73)
- alert: use aria-labelledby and aria-describedby instead of aria-label (#25805) (27318d7)
- breadcrumb: separator is not announced by narrators (#25796) (71fad38)
- datetime: close month/year picker when hidden (#25789) (3b211b6), closes #25787
- modal: role attribute can be customized (#25804) (037d579)
- react: duplicate page transitions do not happen on react 18 (#25798) (a39d776), closes #25797
- refresher: use componentOnReady utility for CE build (#25783) (bd715a5), closes #25782
- select: compareWith passes params in correct order (#25764) (d631195), closes #25759
- vue: lifecycles now fire on tabs pages (#25786) (3020005), closes #25784