npm @influxdata/influxdb-client 1.9.0

latest releases: 1.34.2-nightly.6182, 1.34.2-nightly.6173, 1.34.2-nightly.6172...
3 years ago


  1. #271: Introduce @influxdata/giraffe package.
  2. #272: Optimize UTF8 processing in the browser.
  3. #275: Export CSV results parser.
  4. #275: Export fuction to transform CSV string to giraffe table.
  5. #275: Add tree shaking optimizations.
  6. #276: Allow to notify about write success.
  7. #280: Upgrade to the latest node v14 LTS.
  8. #283: Allow to specify custom HTTP headers in WriteApi or QueryApi.
  9. #287: Throw HttpError with code and message from response body.
  10. #289: Support deno.
  11. #292: Add query.deno.ts example.

Breaking Changes

  1. #291: Remove WritePrecision const enum. A typescript code
    has to be changed to use the precision value directly ('ns' in place of WritePrecision.ns). No changes are required
    for a javascript code or a typescript code that already uses the precision value directly.

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