npm @influxdata/influxdb-client 1.21.0

latest releases: 1.36.0-nightly.6709, 1.36.0-nightly.6704, 1.36.0-nightly.6703...
2 years ago


  1. #387: Add FluxScriptInvocationAPI.
  2. #387: Add invocableScript.js example.
  3. #390: Add delete.ts example to show how to delete data from a bucket.

Bug Fixes

  1. #382: Rename Logger variable to Log.
  2. #383: Remove undefined fields from request options.
  3. #386: Do not parse empty JSON response.
  4. #388: Point to InfluxDB v2.1 / cloud documentation.
  5. #392: Repair double-escaping of default tags.

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