npm @handsontable/angular 11.1.0

latest releases: 0.0.0-next-92d54ad-20240626, 0.0.0-next-e7a9560-20240626, 0.0.0-next-3f0552e-20240625...
2 years ago


  • Added updateData(), a new method that allows for replacing Handsontable's data without
    resetting the states of cells, rows and columns. #7263
  • Vue: Added Vue 3 support, by introducing a new wrapper. #7545


  • Updated the TypeScript definition of the setDataAtCell() method. #8601
  • Extended Handsontable's GitHub Actions workflow, to allow for deploying code examples to GitHub Pages. #9058


  • Fixed an issue where the autocomplete editor's suggestion list didn't update properly. #7570
  • Fixed an issue where nested headers didn't render when data wasn't defined. #8589
  • Fixed some end-to-end tests that failed on mobile devices. #8749
  • Fixed an issue where the rendered selection could get shifted by 1px. #8756
  • Fixed an issue where the first column's border didn't display properly. #8767
  • Fixed an issue where the CollapsibleColumns plugin's expandAll() method didn't expand collapsed columns. #8900
  • Fixed end-to-end test scripts that occasionally crashed. #8961
  • Fixed a typo in the valueAccordingPercent() helper. #9006
  • Fixed an issue where the NestedRows plugin could throw a type error after calling the updateSettings() method. #9018
  • Fixed an issue where performance was affected by removing events. #9044
  • Fixed a wrong TypeScript definition of the MultiColumnSorting plugin's sort() method. #9067
  • Fixed an issue where the Comments plugin's editor disappeared after adding a comment. #9075 #6661
  • React: Fixed a wrong return type. #9000

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