v9.0.0-rc.95 (September 27, 2021)
🚀 Improvements
- App
- #8359 Style updates (@benhaynes)
- #8327 Use user language as first on translations (@joselcvarela)
- #8257 Allow environment syntax prefix per item within an array (@azrikahar)
- #6942 Modular authentication (@aidenfoxx)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- #8357 Migrate down chronologically instead of by version (@rijkvanzanten)
- #8355 Don't track primary keys of relations/fields (@rijkvanzanten)
- #8352 Don't error on missing meta key for collection (@rijkvanzanten)
- #8351 Add missing system data points (@rijkvanzanten)
- #8349 Use field key instead of ID for group value (@rijkvanzanten)
- #8335 Fix getSchema while trx on postgres (@joselcvarela)
- #8334 prevent ambiguous role selection in middleware (@azrikahar)
- #8333 Fix multiple issues in Data Model view (@azrikahar)
- #8286 Allow for + in $NOW (@Nitwel)
- #8272 Fix oas parameters (@Nitwel)
- #8111 Fixed error when setting Oracle column to not null (@aidenfoxx)
- #6942 Modular authentication (@aidenfoxx)
- App
- #8349 Use field key instead of ID for group value (@rijkvanzanten)
- #8346 Fix panel not assigned on insights (@joselcvarela)
- #8344 Fix input not being masked (@Nitwel)
- #8337 Debounce app idle tracker autorefresh token (@azrikahar)
- #8333 Fix multiple issues in Data Model view (@azrikahar)
- #8317 fix target collection interface for o2m relationship (@azrikahar)
- #8293 Vertically center content of v-button (@paescuj)
- #8285 Add missing null,nnull and remove unused file (@Nitwel)
- #8278 Fix sorting for alias fields (@azrikahar)
- #8260 Fix primary key not being passed to v-form (@Nitwel)
- #8256 Reinstate v-click-outside event in v-menu (@azrikahar)
- drive
- #8294 Fix azure storage content-type (@joselcvarela)
- shared
- #8283 Allow date strings in gt(e)/lt(e)/between in validation step (@azrikahar)
🧽 Optimizations
- #6942 Modular authentication (@aidenfoxx)
📝 Documentation
- #8279 Prevent unnecessary interpolation by Vuepress (@azrikahar)
- #8257 Allow environment syntax prefix per item within an array (@azrikahar)
📦 Dependency Updates
- #8361 Update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.175 (@renovate[bot])
- #8348 Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.32.0 (@renovate[bot])
- #8345 Update dependency knex-schema-inspector to v1.6.2 (@renovate[bot])
- #8328 Update dependency nanoid to v3.1.28 (@renovate[bot])
- #8320 Update vue monorepo to v3.2.19 (@renovate[bot])
- #8316 Update jest monorepo to v27.2.2 (@renovate[bot])
- #8308 Update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.174 (@renovate[bot])
- #8304 Update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue to v1.9.2 (@renovate[bot])
- #8303 Update vue monorepo to v3.2.18 (@renovate[bot])
- #8300 Update dependency vue to v3.2.17 (@renovate[bot])
- #8299 Update dependency @vue/compiler-sfc to v3.2.17 (@renovate[bot])
- #8275 Update dependency npm to v7.24.1 (@renovate[bot])
- #8273 Update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue to v1.9.1 (@renovate[bot])
- #8271 Update vue monorepo to v3.2.16 (@renovate[bot])
Directus refs/tags/v9.0.0-rc.95