Directus refs/tags/v9.0.0-rc.73
🐛 Bug Fixes
- App
- #6060 Fixed issue that would prevent the corresponding o2m field from being created on m2o relational setup (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6056 Fixed issue that would cause the whole row to be draggable in the list-type interfaces (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6053 Fixed issue that would prevent the display tab to show for o2m type fields in field-setup (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6052 Fixed issue in collection color reading for tables that weren't configured in directus yet (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6049 Fixed right click handler not extending beyond nav items (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6059 Fixed unique constraint violation error extraction for MySQL 5.7 (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6058 Fixed issue that would prevent creation relations to an unsigned auto-incremented primary key in MariaDB (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6055 Fixed an issue that would cause "text" fields to show up as varchar with length -1 in MS SQL (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6054 Fixed issue that would prevent usage of limit -1 on deep limit (@rijkvanzanten)
- #6048 Fixed issue that could trigger update actions of children on manual sorting of a parent o2m instance (@rijkvanzanten)
- schema
- #6058 Fixed issue that would prevent creation relations to an unsigned auto-incremented primary key in MariaDB (@rijkvanzanten)
📝 Documentation
- #6051 Update (@rijkvanzanten)