npm @babylonjs/core 7.2.0

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2 months ago


  • #14969: Don't clip the grid's children in a scrollview
  • #14966: Dependency update and removing lint:fix
  • #14967: Add observable when a hand mesh was set
  • #14964: Fix khr-animation-pointer with uv transforms
  • #14943: GreasedLine changes
  • #14962: fix releaseDrag for bbox gizmo
  • #14961: RenderTargetWrapper: Make shareDepth visible
  • #14957: Add filter for FontAwesome
  • #14959: WebGPU: fix when depth texture is 2DArray
  • #14958: Fix scale gizmo isHovered flag
See More
  • #14956: Fix visualization tests
  • #14952: ComputeEffect: Implement onError callback
  • #14955: ComputeShader: follow up to #14952
  • #14954: Fix Matrix.multiplyByFloats and Vector3.Project in WebGPU
  • #14953: Baked Vertex Animations: Add shadow support
  • #14935: WGSL varying identification and interpolation
  • #14951: docs: add comments to goToFrame function
  • #14950: GreasedLineMesh: fix index offset of instanced line
  • #498: STL File loader
  • #499: Fix for boundingbox intersects point
  • #14928: Simplify types used in math
  • #14948: Remove render count from some visual tests
  • #14947: Fix UV Animations Remove checkTransformsAreIdentical
  • #14945: Add missing iridescence textures to animation pointer data
  • #14946: Slider3D: Add getters for internal meshes

This list of changes was auto generated.

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