npm @babylonjs/core 5.43.0

latest releases: 7.13.1, 7.13.0, 7.12.0...
17 months ago


  • #13452: Fix memory leaks
  • #13387: Pan torwards cursor when zooming on GUI Editor
  • #13437: Material: Make the frozen mode more user friendly
  • #13449: [XR] Better error handling in XR Hand constraint behavior
  • #13448: [XR] Remove a 180 degree flip (an old relic)
  • #13444: Fix Sound current time when stop is called while paused
  • #13443: Fix playing animations in Sandbox when they have the same name
  • #13442: Fix #13391 instanceof Dom Elements
  • #13391: instanceof will return false if element is created from a different window object than the global one
  • #13439: Add support for instanced meshes in STLEXPORT
See More
  • #13433: Add support for unsigned int uniform
  • #13436: Fix Action Deserialization
  • #13367: Fixed issue when setting ViewPort multiple times per frame in Native

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