npm @babylonjs/core 5.4.0

latest releases: 7.14.0, 7.13.3, 7.13.2...
2 years ago


  • #12452: WebGPU: more changes and fixes for stencil support
  • #12450: WebGPU: Fix crash when creating the engine without stencil buffer support
  • #12204: Allow arc rotate auto rotation to rotate to a certain alpha value
  • #12429: #12204 Add limit to auto rotate
  • #12445: [Build] move tests to the cdn instead of main page
  • #12443: [Bug] Fix camera cloning by adding newParent parameter
  • #12440: [XR] make sure pointer up only triggers once
  • #12432: Fix iridescence texture transform
  • #12442: [Bug] Fix OimoJS plugin syncMeshWithImpostor method.
  • #12434: Fix thinInstanceCount setter to work with mesh clone
See More
  • #12436: Fix crash when cloning meshes with thin instances that are using instance color
  • #12428: Fix GridMaterial serialization
  • #12437: Fix audit issues
  • #12427: Fix effectLayer vertex alpha detection
  • #12424: Enable more features for PG in JS mode
  • #12423: NME: uploading a static cube texture in a Reflection block does not work
  • #12425: Fix #12423
  • #12389: Export KHR extensions: IOR, Transmission and Volume
  • #12421: Remove some unnecessary computations
  • #12420: WebGPU: Fix RenderAttachment flag for 3D textures
  • #12419: ShaderMaterial: keep uniqueId in serialize()

This list of changes was auto generated.

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