npm @apollo/client 4.0.0-alpha.1

21 hours ago

Major Changes

  • #12433 b86e50b Thanks @phryneas! - Remove workarounds for streaming with non-WhatWG response bodies to reduce bundle size.

    This removes support for fetch implementations that return Node Streams, Async Iterators or Blob instances as Response.body.

    In the WhatWG Fetch specification, Response.body is specified as a WhatWG ReadableStream.

    At this point in time, this is natively supported in browsers, node and React Native (via react-native-fetch-api, see our setup instructions for React Native).

    If you are using an older fetch polyfill that deviates from the spec, this might not be compatible - for example, node-fetch returns a node Readable instead of a ReadableStream.
    In those cases, please switch to a compatible alternative such as the node-native fetch, or undici.

Minor Changes

  • #12438 5089516 Thanks @phryneas! - Drop rehackt dependency.
    We can now directly import from react without causing build errors in RSC.

  • #12437 4779dc7 Thanks @phryneas! - Remove polyfills for Object.freeze,seal and preventExtensions in React Native

    These polyfills were only necessary until React Native 0.59, which
    patched the problem on
    the React Native side.

    With React Native 0.61, the Map function was completely replaced
    with a native implementation that never had the problems we guarded against.

  • #12438 5089516 Thanks @phryneas! - Add react-server entry point with stubs for normal exports.

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