npm @apollo/client 4.0.0-alpha.0

latest release: 4.0.0-alpha.1
one day ago

Major Changes

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove the asyncMap utility function. Instead use one of the RxJS operators that creates Observables from promises, such as from.

  • #12398 8cf5077 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Removes the isApolloError utility function to check if the error object is an ApolloError instance. Use instanceof to check for more specific error types that replace ApolloError.

  • #12379 ef892b4 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Removes the addTypename option from InMemoryCache and MockedProvider. __typename is now always added to the outgoing query document when using InMemoryCache and cannot be disabled.

    If you are using <MockedProvider /> with addTypename={false}, ensure that your mocked responses include a __typename field. This will ensure cache normalization kicks in and behaves more like production.

  • #12396 00f3d0a Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove the deprecated errors property from useQuery and useLazyQuery. Read errors from the error property instead.

  • #12222 d1a9054 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Drop support for React 16.

  • #12376 a0c996a Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove deprecated ignoreResults option from useMutation. If you don't want to synchronize component state with the mutation, use useApolloClient to access your client instance and use client.mutate directly.

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Unusubscribing from ObservableQuery while a request is in flight will no longer terminate the request by unsubscribing from the link observable.

  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - The previousData property on useLazyQuery will now change only when data changes. Previously previousData would change to the same value as data while the query was loading.

  • #12224 51e6c0f Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove deprecated partialRefetch option.

  • #12407 8b1390b Thanks @jerelmiller! - Calling refetch with new variables will now set the networkStatus to refetch instead of setVariables.

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove the iterateObserversSafely utility function.

  • #12398 8cf5077 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Apollo Client no longer wraps errors in ApolloError. ApolloError has been replaced with separate error classes depending on the cause of the error. As such, APIs that return an error property have been updated to use the generic Error type. Use instanceof to check for more specific error types.

    Migration guide

    ApolloError encapsulated 4 main error properties. The type of error would determine which property was set:

    • graphqlErrors - Errors returned from the errors field by the GraphQL server
    • networkError - Any non-GraphQL error that caused the query to fail
    • protocolErrors - Transport-level errors that occur during multipart HTTP subscriptions
    • clientErrors - A space to define custom errors. Mostly unused.

    These errors were mutally exclusive, meaning both networkError and graphqlErrors were never set simultaneously. The following replaces each of these fields from ApolloError.


    GraphQL errors are now encapsulated in a CombinedGraphQLErrors instance. You can access the raw GraphQL errors via the errors property.

    import { CombinedGraphQLErrors } from "@apollo/client";
    // ...
    const { error } = useQuery(query);
    if (error && error instanceof CombinedGraphQLErrors) {


    Network errors are no longer wrapped and are instead passed through directly.

    const client = new ApolloClient({
      link: new ApolloLink(() => {
        return new Observable((observer) => {
          observer.error(new Error("Test error"));
    // ...
    const { error } = useQuery(query);
    // error is `new Error('Test error')`;


    Protocol errors are now encapsulated in a CombinedProtocolErrors instance. You can access the raw protocol errors via the errors property.

    import { CombinedProtocolErrors } from "@apollo/client";
    // ...
    const { error } = useSubscription(subscription);
    if (error && error instanceof CombinedProtocolErrors) {


    These were unused by the client and have no replacement. Any non-GraphQL or non-protocol errors are now passed through unwrapped.

    Strings as errors

    If the link sends a string error, Apollo Client will wrap this in an Error instance. This ensures error properties are guaranteed to be of type Error.

    const client = new ApolloClient({
      link: new ApolloLink(() => {
        return new Observable((observer) => {
          // Oops we sent a string instead of wrapping it in an `Error`
          observer.error("Test error");
    // ...
    const { error } = useQuery(query);
    // The error string is wrapped and returned as `new Error('Test error')`;

    Non-error types

    If the link chain sends any other object type as an error, Apollo Client will wrap this in an UnknownError instance with the cause set to the original object. This ensures error properties are guaranteed to be of type Error.

    const client = new ApolloClient({
      link: new ApolloLink(() => {
        return new Observable((observer) => {
          observer.error({ message: "Not a proper error type" });
    // ...
    const { error } = useQuery(query);
    // error is an `UnknownError` instance. error.cause returns the original object.
  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove fromError utility function. Use throwError instead.

  • #12211 c2736db Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove the deprecated graphql, withQuery, withMutation, withSubscription, and withApollo hoc components. Use the provided React hooks instead.

  • #12262 10ef733 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove itAsync test utility.

  • #12398 8cf5077 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Updates the ServerError and ServerParseError types to be proper Error subclasses. Perviously these were plain Error intances with additional properties added at runtime. All properties are retained, but instanceof checks now work correctly.

    import { ServerError, ServerParseError } from "@apollo/client";
    if (error instanceof ServerError) {
      // ...
    if (error instanceof ServerParseError) {
      // ...
  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - useLazyQuery no longer supports SSR environments and will now throw if the execute function is called in SSR. If you need to run a query in an SSR environment, use useQuery instead.

  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - The execute function returned from useLazyQuery now only supports the context and variables options. This means that passing options supported by the hook no longer override the hook value.

    To change options, rerender the component with new options. These options will take effect with the next query execution.

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - ObservableQuery will no longer terminate on errors and will instead emit a next value with an error property. This ensures that ObservableQuery instances can continue to receive updates after errors are returned in requests without the need to resubscribe to the observable.

  • #12398 8cf5077 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Removes the throwServerError utility function. Now that ServerError is an
    Error subclass, you can throw these errors directly:

    import { ServerError } from "@apollo/client";
    // instead of
    throwServerError(response, result, "error message");
    // Use
    throw new ServerError("error message", { response, result });
  • #12304 86469a2 Thanks @jerelmiller! - The Cache.DiffResult<T> type is now a union type with better type safety for both complete and partial results. Checking diff.complete will now narrow the type of result depending on whether the value is true or false.

    When true, diff.result will be a non-null value equal to the T generic type. When false, diff.result now reports result as DeepPartial<T> | null indicating that fields in the result may be missing (DeepPartial<T>) or empty entirely (null).

  • #12396 00f3d0a Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove the errors property from the results emitted from ObservableQuery or returned from client.query. Read errors from the error property instead.

  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - The result resolved from the promise returned from the execute function in useLazyQuery is now an ApolloQueryResult type and no longer includes all the fields returned from the useLazyQuery hook tuple.

    If you need access to the additional properties such as called, refetch, etc. not included in ApolloQueryResult, read them from the hook instead.

  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - useLazyQuery will no longer rerender with the loading state when calling the execute function the first time unless the notifyOnNetworkStatusChange option is set to true (which is the new default).

    If you prefer the behavior from 3.x, rerender the component with
    notifyOnNetworkStatusChange set to false after the execute function is
    called the first time.

    function MyComponent() {
      const [notifyOnNetworkStatusChange, setNotifyOnNetworkStatusChange] =
      const [execute] = useLazyQuery(query, { notifyOnNetworkStatusChange });
      async function runExecute() {
        await execute();
        // Set to false after the initial fetch to stop receiving notifications
        // about changes to the loading states.
      // ...
  • #12254 0028ac0 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Changes the default Accept header to application/graphql-response+json.

  • #12430 2ff66d0 Thanks @jerelmiller! - ObservableQuery.setVariables will now resolve with the last emitted result instead of undefined when either the variables match the current variables or there are no subscribers to the query.

  • #12385 cad5117 Thanks @phryneas! - Apollo Client now defaults to production mode, not development mode, if the
    environment cannot be determined.

    In modern bundlers, this should automatically be handled by the bundler loading
    the bundler with the development export condition.

    If neither the production nor the development export condition are
    used by the bundler/runtime, Apollo Client will fall back to globalThis.__DEV__
    to determine if it should run in production or development mode.

    Unlike Apollo Client 3 though, if globalThis.__DEV__ is not set to true,
    Apollo Client will now default to production, not to development, behaviour.

    This switch to explicilty requiring true also resolves a situation where
    an HTML element with id="__DEV__" would create a global __DEV__ variable
    with a referent to the DOM element, which in the past was picked up as "truthy" and
    would have triggered development mode.

  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - The reobserve option is no longer available in the result returned from useLazyQuery. This was considered an internal API and should not be used directly.

  • #12333 3e4beaa Thanks @jerelmiller! - Fix type of data property on ApolloQueryResult. Previously this field was non-optional, non-null TData, however at runtime this value could be set to undefined. This field is now reported as TData | undefined.

    This will affect you in a handful of places:

    • The data property emitted from the result passed to the next callback from client.watchQuery
    • Fetch-based APIs that return an ApolloQueryResult type such as observableQuery.refetch, observableQuery.fetchMore, etc.
  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - The promise returned when calling the execute function from useLazyQuery will now reject when using an errorPolicy of none when GraphQL errors are returned from the result.

  • #12223 69c1cb6 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove subscribeAndCount testing utility from @apollo/client/testing.

  • #12300 4d581e4 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Moves all React-related exports to the @apollo/client/react entrypoint and out of the main @apollo/client entrypoint. This prevents the need to install React in order to use the core client.

    The following is a list of exports available in @apollo/client that should now import from @apollo/client/react.

    • ApolloConsumer
    • ApolloProvider
    • createQueryPreloader
    • getApolloContext
    • skipToken
    • useApolloClient
    • useBackgroundQuery
    • useFragment
    • useLazyQuery
    • useLoadableQuery
    • useMutation
    • useQuery
    • useQueryRefHandlers
    • useReactiveVar
    • useReadQuery
    • useSubscription
    • useSuspenseQuery

    The following is a list of exports available in @apollo/client/testing that should now import from @apollo/client/testing/react:

    • MockedProvider
  • #12428 abed922 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Removes the urql multipart subscriptions utilities. Use the native multipart subscriptions support in urql instead.

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Switch to RxJS as the observable implementation. rxjs is now a peer dependency of Apollo Client which means you will now need to install rxjs in addition to @apollo/client.

    This change is mostly transparent, however transforming values on observables, common in link implementations, differs in RxJS vs zen-observable. For example, you could modify values in the link chain emitted from a downstream link by using the .map function. In RxJS, this is done with the .pipe function and passing a map operator instead.

    import { map } from "rxjs";
    const link new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
      return forward(operation).pipe(
        map((result) => performTransform(result))

    For a full list of operators and comprehensive documentation on the capabilities of RxJS, check out the documentation.

  • #12329 61febe4 Thanks @phryneas! - Rework package publish format (#12329, #12382)

    We have reworked the way Apollo Client is packaged.

    • shipping ESM and CJS
    • fixing up source maps
    • the build targets a modern runtime environment (browserslist query: "since 2023, node >= 20, not dead")
    • removed the "proxy directory" package.json files, e.g. cache/core/package.json and react/package.json. While these helped with older build tools, modern build tooling uses the exports field in the root package.json instead and the presence of these files can confuse modern build tooling. If your build tooling still relies on those, please update your imports to import from e.g. @apollo/client/cache/core/index.js instead of @apollo/client/cache/core - but generally, this should not be necessary.
    • added an exports field to package.json to expose entry points
    • instead of globalThis.__DEV__, Apollo Client now primarily relies on the development and production exports conditions. It falls back to globalThis.__DEV__ if the bundler doesn't know these, though.
  • #12397 2545a54 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove ObservableQuery.resetQueryStoreErrors method. This method reset some internal state that was not consumed elsewhere in the client and resulted in a no-op.

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove fromPromise utility function. Use from instead.

  • #12388 0d825be Thanks @jerelmiller! - Require environments that support WeakMap, WeakSet and symbols. Apollo Client would fallback to Map and Set if the weak versions were not available. This has been removed and expects that these features are available in the source environment.

    If you are running in an environment without WeakMap, WeakSet or symbols, you will need to find appropriate polyfills.

  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - useLazyQuery no longer supports calling the execute function in render and will now throw. If you need to execute the query immediately, use useQuery instead or move the call to a useEffect.

  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - The defaultOptions and initialFetchPolicy options are no longer supported with useLazyQuery.

    If you use defaultOptions, pass those options directly to the hook instead. If you use initialFetchPolicy, use fetchPolicy instead.

  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - useLazyQuery no longer supports variables in the hook options and therefore no longer performs variable merging. The execute function must now be called with variables instead.

    function MyComponent() {
      const [execute] = useLazyQuery(query);
      function runExecute() {
        execute({ variables: { ... }});

    This change means the execute function returned from useLazyQuery is more type-safe. The execute function will require you to pass a variables option if the query type includes required variables.

  • #12304 86469a2 Thanks @jerelmiller! - ### Changes for users of InMemoryCache

    cache.diff now returns null instead of an empty object ({}) when returnPartialData is true and the result is empty.

    If you use cache.diff directly with returnPartialData: true, you will need to check for null before accessing any other fields on the result property. A non-null value indicates that at least one field was present in the cache for the given query document.

    Changes for third-party cache implementations

    The client now expects cache.diff to return null instead of an empty object when there is no data that can be fulfilled from the cache and returnPartialData is true. If your cache implementation returns an empty object, please update this to return null.

  • #12430 2ff66d0 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Removes ObservableQuery.result() method. If you use this method and need similar functionality, use the firstValueFrom helper in RxJS.

    import { firstValueFrom, from } from "rxjs";
    // The `from` is necessary to turn `observableQuery` into an RxJS observable
    const result = await firstValueFrom(from(observableQuery));
  • #12359 ebb4d96 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove the onCompleted and onError callbacks from useQuery and useLazyQuery.

    See #12352 for more context on this change.

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Subscriptions are no longer eagerly started after calling client.subscribe. To kick off the subscription, you will now need to subscribe to the returned observable.

    // Subscriptions are no longer started when calling subscribe on its own.
    const subscriptionObservable = client.subscribe(...);
    // Instead, subscribe to the returned observable to kick off the subscription.
      next: (value) => console.log(value)
  • #12367 e6af35e Thanks @jerelmiller! - useLazyQuery will now only execute the query when the execute function is called. Previously useLazyQuery would behave like useQuery after the first call to the execute function which means changes to options might perform network requests.

    You can now safely rerender useLazyQuery with new options which will take effect the next time you manually trigger the query.

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove toPromise utility function. Use firstValueFrom instead.

  • #12304 86469a2 Thanks @jerelmiller! - ### Changes for users of InMemoryCache

    cache.diff no longer throws when returnPartialData is set to false without a complete result. Instead, cache.diff will return null when it is unable to read a full cache result.

    If you use cache.diff directly with returnPartialData: false, remove the try/catch block and replace with a check for null.

    Changes for third-party cache implementations

    The client now expects cache.diff to return null instead of throwing when the cache returns an incomplete result and returnPartialData is false. The internal try/catch blocks have been removed around cache.diff. If your cache implementation throws for incomplete results, please update this to return null.

  • #12211 c2736db Thanks @jerelmiller! - Remove the deprecated Query, Mutation, and Subscription components. Use the provided React hooks instead.

Minor Changes

  • #12385 cad5117 Thanks @phryneas! - Apollo Client is no longer using ts-invariant, but ships with a modified variant of it.

    The existing export setLogVerbosity from @apollo/client is still available and
    now points to this new integration.
    In most cases, you should be using this export.
    It will no longer adjust the verbosity of ts-invariant and as such no longer
    influence other packages relying on ts-invariant.

    The new entry point @apollo/client/utilities/invariant now exports invariant,
    InvariantError and setVerbosity.
    (Note that these tools are mostly meant to be used by Apollo Client and libraries directly
    based on Apollo Client like the @apollo/client-integration-* packages.)

  • #12333 3e4beaa Thanks @jerelmiller! - Deprecate the partial flag on ApolloQueryResult and make it a non-optional property. Previously partial was only set conditionally if the result emitted was partial. This value is now available with all results that return an ApolloQueryResult.

Patch Changes

  • #12291 ae5d06a Thanks @phryneas! - Remove deprecated resetApolloContext export

  • #12402 903c3ef Thanks @jerelmiller! - Use an an empty object ({}) rather than an object with null prototype (Object.create(null)) in all areas that instantiate objects.

  • #12385 cad5117 Thanks @phryneas! - * dropped the deprecated DEV export from @apollo/client/utilities and @apollo/client/utilities/globals

    • moved the __DEV__ export from @apollo/client/utilities/globals to @apollo/client/utilities/environment
    • moved the invariant, newInvariantError and InvariantError exports from @apollo/client/utilities/globals to @apollo/client/utilities/invariant
  • #12432 c7c2f61 Thanks @phryneas! - ObservableQuery: implement the rxjs InteropObservable interface to ensure from(observableQuery) stays possible

  • #12385 cad5117 Thanks @phryneas! - @apollo/client, @apollo/client/core and @apollo/client/cache no longer export an empty Cache runtime object. This is meant to be a type-only namespace.

  • #12384 6aa6fd3 Thanks @jerelmiller! - Don't emit a partial cache result from cache-only queries when returnPartialData is false.

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