npm @angular/youtube-player 17.1.0-rc.0

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5 months ago

17.1.0-rc.0 "sunstone-synergy" (2024-01-10)


Commit Description
feat - 083472db0e support date-fns 3.0 (#28364)


Commit Description
feat - 244bed4675 theming: add M3 button tokens (#28375)
feat - 0b7e656f19 theming: Add support for color variants (#28279)
fix - 94d8997b2c theming: fix border radius of filled form field
fix - d1ceb6b44a theming: fix disabled form field in M3


Commit Description
feat - 9f1989228f add support for dynamic library loading API


Commit Description
fix - 6b7e6c5886 autocomplete: not closing when clicking on hint area (#28316)
fix - 2dc10daa07 button: use tokens for button elevation (#28396)
fix - c00c2db924 datepicker: unable to distinguish disabled buttons in the calendar (#28385)
fix - fef66fee7c dialog: mat-dialog-title should work under OnPush viewContainerRef (#28329)
fix - 4d0719a6a0 paginator: match visual and reading order (#28285)
fix - 1bb36bb60d schematics: resolve errors in dashboard schematic
fix - b9450c978d schematics: schema error in mdc migration (#28342)
fix - b4bb46667f schematics: use single style and styleUrl in generated code
fix - 1b6db8c89b select: flicker if opened from inside a focus handler (#28287)
fix - 7a91d46360 sidenav: enable hydration
fix - 00e70fd8e3 slide-toggle: delete custom typography tokens (#28365)
fix - 4bae8854d6 slider: fix internal focus state on safari (#28243)
fix - 4550637812 slider: fix value indicator bubble for m3 (#28250)
fix - 90b37e5652 slider: m3 ripple color (#28369)
fix - 5c7674a9e2 slider: slider tx imprecision (#28283)
fix - 6bfbe9b19f slider: update inactive input width on value change (#28275)
fix - a643a2ed42 snack-bar: Ensure snackbar open animation works with OnPush ancestor (#28331)
fix - 7f601b0936 stepper: enable hydration (#28382)
fix - a7f87a80a1 tabs: enable hydration (#28366)
fix - 916263374e theming: Expose the theme-remove Sass function (#28314)


Commit Description
fix - 10fbe362ca a11y: resolve hydration error in focus trap
fix - 58d4958384 collections: Do not deselect comparable already selected value with setSelection (#28267)
fix - 230bdb5c13 dialog: resolve hydration error in focus trap
fix - 6db225e39d drag-drop: auto-scroll to the left not starting in rtl layout (#28334)
fix - 46eb9321cc table: _cellRole lint error (#28391)
fix - d3e8a28389 table: measuring sticky row too early (#28393)
fix - 30f0705491 table: support hydration (#28356)
perf - e43c059ac3 a11y: Micro-optimizations to aria-reference.ts. (#28337)
perf - 1fe1f69303 table: Optimize a11y role logic in CdkCell. (#28336)


Commit Description
fix - 1c2d1b73fe enable hydration in autocomplete, menu and select (#28343)
fix - 7840cd3a77 provide standalone-friendly APIs for date adapters (#28349)
fix - 21737ad394 use provide functions in providers for date adapters (#28363)

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