npm @angular/pwa 15.0.0-next.2

latest releases: 18.1.0-rc.1, 18.0.7, 18.1.0-rc.0...
21 months ago

15.0.0-next.2 (2022-09-21)

Breaking Changes


  • Internally the Angular CLI now always sets the TypeScript target to ES2022 and useDefineForClassFields to false unless the target is set to ES2022 or later in the TypeScript configuration. To control ECMA version and features use the Browerslist configuration.
  • Producing ES5 output is no longer possible. This was needed for Internet Explorer which is no longer supported. All browsers that Angular supports work with ES2015+
  • Deprecated support for Stylus has been removed. The Stylus package has never reached a stable version and its usage in the Angular CLI is minimal. It's recommended to migrate to another CSS preprocessor that the Angular CLI supports.


  • Workspace projects with missing root is now an error.


Commit Description
feat - 1c21e470c enable error on unknown properties and elements in tests


Commit Description
feat - 1c527a9da add esbuild-based builder initial support for fileReplacements
feat - 15d3fc6dc export @angular/platform-server symbols in server bundle
feat - 1e5d4a750 use Browserslist to determine ECMA output
refactor - 12931ba8c remove deprecated ES5 support
refactor - 2ba44a433 remove support for Stylus


Commit Description
fix - ea4c0aa2e throw error when project has missing root property

Special Thanks

Alan Agius, Charles Lyding, Cédric Exbrayat, Doug Parker, Jason Bedard and Paul Gschwendtner

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