| add 404 page (#902)
| add button to copy link to example (#922)
| add cdk/testing docs (#678)
| add cookie popup (#988)
| add CSP and recommended security headers to site
| add help/support section (#915)
| Add material 3 guide (#1236)
| add ripples to documentation items (#489)
| add ripples to documentation items (#494)
| Add separate guide for M2 specific theming
| add summaries to all menu items and category pages (#512)
| add support for reduced motion (#1095)
| add the ability to link to the site with a particular theme (#549)
| add version and version picker (#406)
| added ability to keep pathname and hash on version change
| angular 4 compatibility (#135)
| change navbar, toolbar and landing page coloring to denote when looking at docs on next (#540)
| compact view for example components to replace static code snippets (#756)
| convert to standalone (#1200)
| create a version.json file for all version of the docs sites to load version info from (#539)
| expose CDK accordion docs (#1005)
| expose coercion and collections docs (#994)
| more flexible carousels and fix homepage alignment
| show deprecated related information in material/tooltip
| simplify stackblitz examples using standalone (#1211)
| switch to MDC components (#1174)
| switch to sass modules (#952)
| update to 9.0.0-next.x and enable Ivy rendering engine (#645)
| accessibility, SEO, typos, styling (#649)
| account for new token data format
| add back accidentally deleted deployment check
| add box shadow to cookie popup
| add dynamic copyright (#1169)
| add header background if links wrap
| add material-moment-adapter to stackblitz dependencies (#1156)
| add missing drag-drop examples (#616)
| add missing test harnesses (#860)
| add postinstall script back to make component examples work
| add ripples to clickable cards
| add styling for markdown tables (#921)
| align and clean up table design (#1003)
| allow table of contents to scroll
| anchor links not scrolling into view (#519)
| angular material footer logo
| avoid breaking page if there's a broken example (#855)
| bump angular version to resolve query issue (#1105)
| cache fetched docs (#1001)
| capitalization on component list (#114)
| cdk test harness API document not found (#716)
| center guide viewer (#274)
| clean up tilde imports (#1082)
| components with multiple API docs do not display correctly (#717)
| consistent toc positioning (#316)
| cookies dialog button contrast (#1010)
| copy to clipboard button always copying content of first tab (#821)
| correct links in doc-viewer markdown files to have the proper base value (#554)
| create proper fragment urls (#329)
| declare duplicate theming guide (#923)
| directly check if the hostname is the expected hostname instead of just starting with the hostname (#1223)
| doc titles anchor links accessible (#891)
| double scroll bars on guides page
| ensure that menu items are always sorted (#1058)
| errors in plunkr template (#54)
| errors when reading optional queries
| example-viewer icons and animation (#52)
| explicitly set an index for each API docs section (#732)
| expose component testing modules (#757)
| expose timepicker
| external links with hash are updated incorrectly (#355)
| failing test (#1281)
| fix 'reporters' key name in karma.conf (#433)
| fix ts compiler error
| footer jumping up while guide is loading (#834)
| footer not being pushed to the bottom of the page in guides (#839)
| footer not sticking to bottom of the page on IE (#451)
| generated Stackblitz examples not working when forked to a repo (#901)
| github icon was not centered on mobile (#1067)
| guides overlapping footer on narrow screens (#1007)
| harnesses not working on Stackblitz (#1193)
| hide ripple styling page
| home page in mobile view (#832)
| homepage not using native accelerated scrolling on touch devices (#827)
| horizontal scrollbar always visible on Windows in code samples (#500)
| improve the docs typography
| include all menu examples under examples tab (#428)
| include cdkAccordionModule in material-module for accordion stackblitz demo (#1060)
| include date range picker examples (#899)
| include proper font and web animations polyfill (#209)
| incorrect link to Material source code
| incorrect scenes
| lighthouse check failing in v15 (#1164)
| menu icons example not rendering (#449)
| missing import for PortalModule (#582)
| missing import for a11y module (#571)
| missing roboto font weights (#349)
| normalize card height (#115)
| numerous responsive issues on screens from 360px to 960px (#705)
| overflow on devices (#471)
| plunkers not including source files (#199)
| prepare for enabling Ivy (#642)
| prevent user-select on method modifier marker (#1182)
| prevent users from selecting link icon text (#1034)
| remove -example suffix from tree examples in documentation items (#444)
| remove ComponentFactoryResolver usage from scenes
| remove elevation from nav bar
| remove extension from Stackblitz examples (#841)
| remove google groups link
| remove imports from top-level package (#604)
| remove MDC migration guide
| remove service worker (#503)
| remove unnecessary components bundle (#74)
| remove workarounds for async pipe type narrowing bug
| replace use of turbo with yarn (#1213)
| resolve breaking changes from upgrading to beta.2 (#102)
| ripple overview not loading (#734)
| router outlet should not allow overflow (#856)
| routing path for cdk/testing
| scss deprecation warnings and wrong example name (#462)
| set rootUrl during construction of table of contents (#445)
| set up scene for timepicker
| sidenav spacing
| site crashing on browsers with limited localStorage access (#203)
| some testing entry points referring to wrong module (#854)
| sort links alphabetically (#996)
| sticky table example not loading (#553)
| switch Stackblitz back to npm
| table of contents not working within cdk (#545)
| temporarily disable Ivy on Stackblitz (#1050)
| update angular & angular material to next version (#1171)
| update component categories screenshots to M3
| update stackblitz to correct angular framework version (#1178)
| update title background #398 (#399)
| update to rxjs 7 (#1280)
| update yarn.lock and fix package.json (#1074)
| use more lenient version when generating stackblitz (#1075)
| use new control flow syntax
| use new Google Fonts snippet (#900)
| use theme color for link inside the API reference (#990)
| use yarn when forking to stackblitz (#1194)
| window.location.href changed to its origin (#1234)
| workaround issues with ngIf template vars in Angular 9.0.0-rc.5
| wrong import path (#1140)
| avoid triggering change detection on scroll (#1033)
| example rendering performance improvements (#961)