npm @angular/cli 13.0.0-rc.0

latest releases: 18.2.0-next.2, 18.1.2, 18.2.0-next.1...
2 years ago

13.0.0-rc.0 (2021-10-13)


Commit Description
fix - e58226ee9 don't export renderModuleFactory from server file
fix - 0ec0ad8a4 remove target and lib options for library tsconfig
fix - 16e58a58c wrap bootstrapping code in an HMR compatible manner


Commit Description
fix - ded510594 accept UA-00000-0 format in analytics tracking id
fix - d2a992274 add engine field support for npm 8 and higher
fix - cf03daf9e generate new random user ID when passing empty string to uuid


Commit Description
fix - 427a9ee97 update workspace tsconfig lib es2020


Commit Description
fix - 9874aff71 add missing option peer dependency on chokidar


Commit Description
fix - bdd89ae84 handle zero or negative length removals in update buffer

Special Thanks

Alan Agius, Charles Lyding, Joey Perrott and Kristiyan Kostadinov

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