npm @angular/cli 11.1.0-next.1

latest releases: 18.2.0-next.2, 18.1.2, 18.2.0-next.1...
3 years ago


@angular-devkit/build-angular (0.1101.0-next.1)

Commit Description Notes
resolve partial SCSS files in sourcemaps [Closes #19505]
allow default Webpack 5 caching
apply local libraries sourcemap without `vendor: true` [Closes #11305]
update Angular peer dependencies to 11.1 prerelease
handle HTML file with no body and head tags [Closes #19426]
disable output hashing when running dev-server [Closes #10411]

@angular-devkit/core (11.1.0-next.1)

Commit Description Notes
correctly handle null prototype in deepCopy [Closes #19492]

@angular/cli (11.1.0-next.1)

Commit Description Notes
show deprecation warning when using camel cased arguments
dasherize names option names when using JSON help

@ngtools/webpack (11.1.0-next.1)

Commit Description Notes
remove use of Webpack compilation fileTimestamps property
normalize dependency paths before webpack use
normalize resource path before rebuild check
update Angular peer dependencies to 11.1 prerelease

@schematics/angular (11.1.0-next.1)

Commit Description Notes
update zone.js version to 0.11.3
Alphabetized named imports
Alphabetized import sources within a group
document jasmine options

Special Thanks

Renovate Bot, Alan Agius, Charles Lyding, Joey Perrott, tim_frijters, JiaLiPassion, Doug Parker, Cédric Exbrayat

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