npm @angular/cdk 15.0.2

latest releases: 18.1.0-next.2, 18.0.3, 18.1.0-next.1...
18 months ago

15.0.2 "polystyrene-penguin" (2022-12-08)


Commit Description
fix - c388758606 button: ensure svg icon is centered (#26146)
fix - afd6e1a277 chips: set correct cursor on interactive chips (#26171)
fix - 639fa52ff1 dialog: change width to not cut off form field in component example (#26157)
fix - 976562f35e form-field: allow ng-container to be used as prefix/suffix (#26127)
fix - 0a617d6f0f list: remove previously removed API (#26165)
fix - 679df1a074 schematics: some snack bar styles not being migrated (#26180)
fix - 1ab52961b0 schematics: update flat button styles class name mapping (#26158)
fix - 3bb07ae9d9 tabs: icons not centered inside tab (#26053)
perf - 356aab723c core: delegate trigger events (#26147)
perf - a526ede4af tabs: reduce amount of CSS generated for background color (#26186)


Commit Description
fix - dac9e81f78 listbox: set initial focus to selected option (#26174)

Special Thanks

Amy Sorto, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Miles Malerba, Shauni and Wagner Maciel

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