19.2.0 (2025-03-02)
🚀 Features
- eslint-plugin: add rule require-lifecycle-on-prototype (#2259)
🩹 Fixes
- update dependency @angular/compiler to v19.2.0 (#2268)
- update dependency eslint to v9.21.0 (#2243)
- update typescript-eslint packages to v8.25.0 (#2263)
- eslint-plugin: [no-output-native] update native event names (#2236)
- eslint-plugin-template: [prefer-self-closing-tags] do not treat comments as whitespace (#2256)
- eslint-plugin-template: [prefer-self-closing-tags] allow nested ng-content (#2257)
- eslint-plugin-template: [prefer-static-string-properties] do not check structural directives (#2253)
- eslint-plugin-template: find inline templates on components in blocks (#2238)
- prefer-static-string-properties: resolve bug with directives (#2271)
- prefer-static-string-properties: exclude special attributes (#2273)
❤️ Thank You
- Dave @reduckted
- Marie Briand @mbriand-lucca