npm @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template 12.4.0

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3 years ago

12.4.0 (2021-09-09)

Bug Fixes

  • eslint-plugin: [no-empty-lifecycle-method] incorrect suggestions and correct reports (#606) (a446e8f)
  • eslint-plugin: [sort-ngmodule-metadata-arrays] handle literal metadata and computed properties (#667) (f993069)
  • eslint-plugin: properly handle computed literals for some rules (#600) (fbd6ff7)
  • eslint-plugin-template: [i18n] fixes some incorrect reports (#665) (a011b9d)
  • eslint-plugin-template: [no-call-expression]: FunctionCalls not being reported (#601) (5552b13)
  • eslint-plugin-template: include more checks for isHiddenFromScreenReader (#545) (db2bc05)


  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-on-push-component-change-detection] add suggestion (#666) (3723c4c)
  • eslint-plugin: [use-injectable-provided-in] add suggestion (#594) (bdef8c7)
  • utils: make package public (#673) (0386082)

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