19.3.0 (2025-03-22)
🚀 Features
- use @angular/compiler 19.2.3 and rename some AST nodes to match (#2320)
- eslint-plugin-template: [button-has-type] add option to ignore missing type (#2326)
- eslint-plugin-template: add rule prefer-contextual-for-variables (#2311)
- template-parser: visit @let child nodes (#2312)
🩹 Fixes
- update typescript-eslint packages to v8.26.1 (#2313)
- update typescript-eslint packages to v8.27.0 (#2328)
- update dependency eslint to v9.23.0 (#2331)
- eslint-plugin-template: [i18n] Avoid exception in i18n rule with allowMarkupInContent=false (#2327)
- eslint-plugin-template: [attributes-order] order i18n attributes (#2307)
- eslint-plugin-template: [attributes-order] treat inputs without square brackets as attributes (#2316)
❤️ Thank You
- Dave @reduckted
- m-akinc @m-akinc