npm @angular-devkit/schematics 16.1.0

latest releases: 18.1.0-rc.0, 18.0.6, 18.1.0-next.3...
12 months ago

16.1.0 (2023-06-13)


Commit Description
feat - b14b95990 add bootstrap-agnostic utilities for writing ng-add schematics


Commit Description
feat - 3ede1a2ca allow forcing esbuild builder with dev-server
feat - 2d141fe3b show estimated transfer size with esbuild builder
feat - 9aa9b5264 support autoprefixer/tailwind CSS with Less/Sass in esbuild builder
feat - 3d1c09b23 support dev-server package prebundling with esbuild builder
feat - d8930facc support incremental TypeScript semantic diagnostics in esbuild builder
fix - 5cacd34a2 watch all TypeScript referenced files in esbuild builder
perf - 8336ad80d enable in-memory load result caching for stylesheets in esbuild builder

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