npm @angular-devkit/build-angular 18.1.0-next.2

latest releases: 18.1.0-rc.0, 18.0.6, 18.1.0-next.3...
15 days ago

18.1.0-next.2 (2024-06-13)


Commit Description
fix - 6d266c146 add fallbacks for migration package resolution


Commit Description
fix - 4ff914a16 allow additional module preloads up to limit
fix - 8c379269e do not reference sourcemaps in web workers and global stylesheet bundles when hidden setting is enabled
fix - 461e78f3e generate module preloads next to script elements in index HTML
fix - f102f815e Initiate PostCSS only once
fix - fbc6eb322 issue warning when auto adding @angular/localize/init

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