npm @ag-grid-community/styles 29.2.0

latest releases: 33.0.3, 33.0.2, 33.0.1...
23 months ago

Release 29.2.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑8205 Bug When using React 18 and calling autoSize from firstDataRendered event handler and a column group header is just out of view an error is thrown
AG‑8195 Bug [Charts] Line chart not implementing z index of series correctly
AG‑8189 Bug When scrolling the viewport to the right edge, up or paging, cell values are rendered from the bottom row up instead of from the top row down
AG‑8164 Bug autoGroupColumn sortIndex incorrect
AG‑8153 Bug When using tree data and groupIncludeFooter=true, grid throws exception and shows no rows
AG‑8151 Bug When pivoting, column sort indexes should omit sorts with no impact
AG‑8133 Bug [Column Filters] When entering non-numeric characters in number filters with allowedCharPattern set, filter value of NaN is applied
AG‑8124 Bug [Integrated Charts] Chart Tool Panel is not destroyed correctly leading to exceptions being thrown
AG‑8106 Bug [Column Filters] When using join operator OR in the filter tool panel, entering a value floating filter input resets the join operator to AND
AG‑8104 Bug When enabling masterDetail on group column without a field, 'undefined' is shown instead of empty cell
AG‑8103 Task [SSRM] Allow row selection across multiple group levels
AG‑8102 Bug SSRM - Old datasource requests still fired when datasource changed
AG‑8091 Bug [Column Filters] When setting a single model on a simple filter component, multiple filterModified events are fired
AG‑8086 Bug When using React with group columns with a sibling column that's not a group, calling setColumnDefs causes column groups headers to flicker
AG‑8085 Task [Accessibility] Avoid duplicated announcements for cells with auto-height / selection checkbox / drag and drop / row drag without using aria-hidden attribute
AG‑8081 Bug When using React, applying new column state doesn't animate column headers
AG‑8079 Bug [Regression] When using SSRM, after calling setColumnDefs() any new sort model not applied anymore and grid cannot be sorted
AG‑8075 Bug [Regression] When opening a column filter and unmounting/hiding the grid, the page freezes and becomes unresponsive
AG‑8073 Bug When using readOnlyEdit and editing a group cell value, the group row allLeafChildren property excludes the edited child row
AG‑8070 Bug [Column Filters] Copy/paste using keyboard shortcuts does not work in Number Filter using Safari
AG‑8065 Bug When using React 18, dragging a column only animates the first time
AG‑8063 Task [Clipboard] Allow suppressing cut (CTRL+X) operation
AG‑8062 Bug When using multi-line column header text with type=rightAligned, the header text isn't aligned to the right edge of the header cell
AG‑8059 Bug When sparkline data changes, tooltip values don't update
AG‑8058 Task [Charts] Add click near a point detection
AG‑8057 Bug [Charts] Formatting incorrect for negative comma-grouped values
AG‑8051 Task [Charts] Add ability to include chart footnotes
AG‑8048 Task [Charts] Allow multi-line title and subtitle
AG‑8042 Bug When using autoHeight=true, computed cell height is incorrect because it doesn't include the cell border size
AG‑8040 Bug [Docs] Localisation for Ctrl+X string missing from localisation docs
AG‑8032 Task [API] Deprecate the undocumented functionsPassive property and related event callbacks
AG‑8021 Bug [Column Filters] When using tree list with tree data or grouping, the floating filter value formatter is passed the wrong value
AG‑8016 Bug When setting rowHeight grid property, cell editor height doesn't match the row height
AG‑8008 Bug onFirstDataRendered event should not be fired for pinned rows.
AG‑8001 Bug [Sparklines] Tooltip position is incorrect after scrolling the grid
AG‑7992 Task [Column Filters] Allow limiting floating filter inputs of numeric filters to numeric values only
AG‑7937 Task [Charts] Allow option for padding at min and max of all axis types
AG‑7916 Bug [Charts] When setting tick.width to a large number, gridlines are rendered outside the series area
AG‑7564 Bug groupMaintainOrder prevents sort being unset
AG‑7560 Bug [Column Filters] Read-Only Floating Filters don't work with Multi Filters by default
AG‑7522 Task Provide Generic Type for Context
AG‑7429 Bug When using React 18, adding new rows and scrolling down causes cell values to flicker
AG‑7121 Task [Charts] Add double-click detection for event handlers
AG‑6926 Task [Charts] Allow displaying stacked and unstacked column series together in the same column group in charts
AG‑5750 Task [Chart] Allow chart overlays to display "No Series" or "No Data" messages over the chart area
AG‑5384 Bug [Column Filter] When there are two filter conditions in a simple filter and the first filter condition is removed, the second filter condition disappears
AG‑3354 Task [SSRM] Add support for tri-state checkbox group selection
AG‑3072 Task [Column Headers] Allow column group header cell to span multiple rows when other groups have more levels
AG‑2558 Task [Column Filters] Allow more than two conditions in the column filters
AG‑2223 Task [SSRM] Allow select all / deselect all via header checkbox selection

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