This is a major release that includes a number of breaking changes.
If you upgrade from 0.x see the migration guide.
Breaking changes
- [#159] Dropped aliases support
- [#171] Dropped local middleware/adapter functions
- [#176] Dropped client as function
- [#164] Dropped support for Elixir 1.3
- [#177]
, etc. now return{:ok, Tesla.Env.t} | {:error, reason}
(There areget!
, ... functions with 0.x behaviour - [#160] Headers are now a list
- [#150] DebugLogger merged into Logger
- [#175] Jason is the new default JSON library
- Adapter options need to be wrapped in :adapter key:
There has been 0 changes between v1.0.0-beta.1
and v1.0.0
(except for version bump v1.0.0-beta.1...v1.0.0)