hex livebook 0.7.0
on Hex

latest releases: 0.13.3, 0.13.2, 0.13.1...
21 months ago


  • Added Shift + Enter (⇧ + ↵) for evaluating a cell and advancing to the next one (#1294)
  • Support for composite outputs - tabs and grid (#1326 and #1375)
  • Support for anchor links in notebook-relative navigation (#1327)
  • Support for uploading SVG images in Markdown cells (#1341)
  • Secrets management (#1348, #1406 and #1441)
  • Completion for bitstring modifiers (#1291)
  • Ability to configure global environment variables on the settings page (#1387 and #1409)
  • Support for uploading files to the file system navigator via drag-and-drop (#1422)
  • Universal desktop build for Mac and automated nightly builds


  • Redesigned the homepage sidebar (#1325)
  • Package search to always list the exact match first (#1355)
  • Renamed the Explore section to Learn (#1424)
  • Reduced the number of clicks necessary to save a notebook (#1458)


  • Removed Mix standalone runtime in favour of the new Mix.install/2 options, see #1345 to learn more (#1370)


  • Fixed the "evaluate all" shortcut to work when a cells is evaluating (#1334)
  • Source corruption when adding dependencies on Windows (#1337)
  • Failure when changing file system from S3 to local (#1377)
  • Evaluator to wait for garbage collected processes to terminate before next evaluation (#1385)
  • Fixed unnecessary vertical whitespace in Mermaid graphs (#1415)
  • Started ignoring non-Livebook logs in the Attached runtime (#1451)

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