hex explorer 0.4.0
on Hex

latest releases: 0.8.3, 0.8.2, 0.8.1...
19 months ago

This is an exciting release with a lot of features, a bunch of changes and some fixes.
Happy Hacking!


  • Add Series.quotient/2 and Series.remainder/2 to work with integer division.

  • Add Series.bintype/1 to return the underlying representation type.

  • Allow series on both sides of binary operations, like: add(series, 1)
    and add(1, series).

  • Allow comparison, concat and coalesce operations on "(series, lazy series)".

  • Add lazy version of Series.sample/3 and Series.size/1.

  • Add support for Arrow IPC Stream files.

  • Add Explorer.Query and the macros that allow a simplified query API.
    This is a huge improvement to some of the main functions, and allow refering to
    columns as they were variables.

    Before this change we would need to write a filter like this:

    Explorer.DataFrame.filter_with(df, &Explorer.Series.greater(&1["col1"], 42))

    But now it's also possible to write this operation like this:

    Explorer.DataFrame.filter(df, col1 > 42)

    This operation is going to use filter_with/2 underneath, which means that
    is going to use lazy series and compute the results at once.
    Notice that is mandatory to "require" the DataFrame module, since these operations
    are implemented as macros.

    The following new macros were added:

    • filter/2
    • mutate/2
    • summarise/2
    • arrange/2

    They substitute older versions that did not accept the new query syntax.

  • Add DataFrame.put/3 to enable adding or replacing columns in a eager manner.
    This works similar to the previous version of mutate/2.

  • Add Series.select/3 operation that enables selecting a value
    from two series based on a predicate.

  • Add "dump" and "load" functions to IO operations. They are useful to load
    or dump dataframes from/to memory.

  • Add Series.to_iovec/2 and Series.to_binary/1. They return the underlying
    representation of series as binary. The first one returns a list of binaries,
    possibly with one element if the series is contiguous in memory. The second one
    returns a single binary representing the series.

  • Add Series.shift/2 that shifts the series by an offset with nil values.

  • Rename Series.fetch!/2 and Series.take_every/2 to Series.at/2
    and Series.at_every/2.

  • Add DataFrame.discard/2 to drop columns. This is the opposite of select/2.

  • Implement Nx.LazyContainer for Explorer.DataFrame and Explorer.Series
    so data can be passed into Nx.

  • Add Series.not/1 that negates values in a boolean series.

  • Add the :binary dtype for Series. This enables the usage of arbitrary binaries.


  • Change DataFrame's to_* functions to return only :ok.
  • Change series inspect to resamble the dataframe inspect with the backend name.
  • Rename Series.var/1 to Series.variance/1
  • Rename Series.std/1 to Series.standard_deviation/1
  • Rename Series.count/2 to Series.frequencies/1 and add a new Series.count/1
    that returns the size of an "eager" series, or the count of members in a group
    for a lazy series.
    In case there is no groups, it calculates the size of the dataframe.
  • Change the option to control direction in Series.sort/2 and Series.argsort/2.
    Instead of a boolean, now we have a new option called :direction that accepts
    :asc or :desc.


  • Fix the following DataFrame functions to work with groups:
    • filter_with/2
    • head/2
    • tail/2
    • slice/2
    • slice/3
    • pivot_longer/3
    • pivot_wider/4
    • concat_rows/1
    • concat_columns/1
  • Improve the documentation of functions that behave differently with groups.
  • Fix arrange_with/2 to use "group by" stable, making results more predictable.
  • Add nil as a possible return value of aggregations.
  • Fix the behaviour of Series.sort/2 and Series.argsort/2 to add nils at the
    front when direction is descending, or at the back when the direction is ascending.
    This also adds an option to control this behaviour.


  • Remove support for NDJSON read and write for ARM 32 bits targets.
    This is due to a limitation of a dependency of Polars.

New Contributors

We also had @joshuataylor and @Benjamin-Philip contributing to this release.

Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0
Official Changelog: https://hexdocs.pm/explorer/changelog.html


Above is the checksum of the precompiled NIFs.

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