hex ecto 0.7.1
on Hex

latest releases: 3.11.2, 3.11.1, 3.11.0...
9 years ago


  • Support after_load/2 and after_load/3 callbacks
  • Support casting floats and integers in addition to string in Decimal
  • Add __state__ field that to every schema that is either :built, :loaded or :deleted
  • Add Ecto.Changeset.apply/1
  • Support times with miliseconds when casting Ecto.Time and Ecto.DateTime

Bug fixes

  • Do not accept default, null or primary key options in modify
  • Ensure Ecto.Model.assoc/2 with has_* :through has the association as source in from
  • Properly implement blank? for Ecto.UUID and Ecto.DateTime
  • Ensure psql actually works on Windows and does not set locale data by default
  • Make options optional in Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query/4

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