gnome-gitlab julianschacher/top-bar-organizer v11

latest release: v12
6 months ago

Top Bar Organizer vX includes the following changes:

Relevant and/or Breaking Changes

The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:

Support GNOME Shell Version 46

The extension now supports GNOME Shell version 46.

git shortlog

The git shortlog for this version:

June (7):
      other: change commit msg format to use lowercase tags and desc. start
      docs: add newer, cut down and commented panel.js from GNOME Shell 46.4
      feature: support GNOME Shell version 46
      other: update my name
      docs: exp. docs on creat. a new tag to cover how to create a new release
      docs: enhance the git annotated tag and release notes templates
      other: bump version to 11

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