gnome-gitlab World/Phosh/phosh-tour v0.28.0

latest releases: v0.44.0, v0.43.0, v0.43_rc1...
20 months ago

Summary of changes

  • Add new page for power-button menu
  • Layout fixes to prevent overflow and brand word break
  • Contributors:
    • Guido Günther
    • Sam Hewitt

Detailed changes

phosh-tour (0.28.0) experimental; urgency=medium
  [ Sam Hewitt ]
  * Add page for the new power menu action
  [ Guido Günther ]
  * pt-page: Untabify
  * pt-page: Let summary word wrap.
    Otherwise long summaries can make the window overflow on small screens
  * build: Use narrow non-breaking space to avoid brand word wrap
  * metainfo: Wrap text in paragraphs. Otherrwise gnome-software doesn't pick
    them up

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