gitlab peginc/swade v4.0.0

latest releases: v4.0.3, v4.0.2, v4.0.1...
3 days ago

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SWADE v4 brings compatibility with Foundry v12 and drops compatibility with Foundry v11


  • Added data model for Poker cards. by @jpmeehan5
  • userConnected hook event listener for modifying GM Bennies when a player logs in or drops out. (#1161) by @kristianserrano
  • A new Context Menu option to adjust the GM's currently available Bennies. (#1161) by @kristianserrano


  • Updated system.json to match new data structure. (#1047) by @jpmeehan5
  • The system tile in the Setup screen now uses the newer, prettier background image as new SWADE worlds. by @jpmeehan5
  • All uses of icon and label in Active Effects has been migrated to img and name respectively, in alignment with updated schema from Foundry. (#1047) by @jpmeehan5
  • Added stricter data validation to UUIDs for both Item Grants and Macro actions. (#1003) by @florad92
  • The ChoiceDialog now displays the name of the parent item. (#1158) by @florad92
  • When refreshing GM Bennies, the number set is based on the current number of active, non-GM users. (#1161) by @kristianserrano
    • If a user later logs in, the number of Bennies increases by 1.
    • If a user later leaves, the number of Bennies decreases by 1. (Of course the Benny is restored if they return.)
    • If a user refreshes their browser, the above userConnected hook event listeners trigger accordingly.
    • If a GM refreshes their Bennies before any players join, the above events will modify the GM's Bennies appropriately.
  • All text enrichment is now handled asynchronously in getData. (#1155) by @jpmeehan5


  • Finished deprecation of Embedded Abilities. (#1163) by @florad92
  • Finished deprecation of SwadeItem._getPowerPoints(). by @florad92
  • Finished deprecation of SwadeItem.getTraitModifiers(). by @florad92
  • Finished deprecation of SwadeItem.needsFullReloadProcedure(). by @florad92
  • Finished deprecation of SwadeActor.isEncumbered. by @florad92
  • Finished deprecation of SwadeActor.race. by @florad92


  • Removed template.yml (which compiled to template.json). Information about the document subtypes available in the system is now available in system.json. (#1047) by @jpmeehan5
  • Setting configuration for the number of GM Bennies has been removed. (#1161) by @kristianserrano


  • NPC item chat cards should once again be hidden when the relevant setting has been enabled (#1142) by @florad92
  • Roll rerolls should now properly copy the roll mode from the original roll message. (#1142) by @florad92
  • Additional Stats max value inputs should now have the correct placeholder. (#1147) by @florad92
  • The number of GM Bennies in a player's Players List would not update when they logged in. The Players List now rerenders any time a User is updated. (#1161) by @kristianserrano
  • The Full Reload property now works again (#1165) by @michaeldougherty1976
  • Action items should now roll damage actions with bonus damage properly. (#1163) by @florad92

Known Issues

  • Due to changes in foundry's Canvas and rendering Auras have been disabled for the time being.

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