This alpha release is intended to simplify internal testing, before we release v7.0.0-beta1 in the near future: enough changes have been merged recently that it makes sense to have a tagged version that we build from start to finish. An enormous amount of work has gone into this over the past two years, largely from Julian, and it represents the biggest overhaul the microscope has ever had. This version is more reliable, better documented, and more suitable for production. Cables are enclosed, electronics are mounted properly, and common failure modes have been eliminated.
v7.0.0-alpha3 (2022-11-10)
- !310: Switch to using a watertight RMS thread cutter
- !312: Update branch to latest master
- !307: Restore Logitech C270 optics modules and add instructions for 35mm parfocal
- !306: Instructions improvements
- !305: Improve sangaboard workaround
- !298: FL cube - add holes for easier removal of filters
- !304: Documentation fixes
- !303: Improve string quoting on windows builds
- !259: Fix for build on Windows (double-quotes in OpenSCAD build commands are stripped out by cmd)
- !302: Improve bridging and aesthetics in cable tidies
- !301: Flip the nut entry slot on the condenser
- !299: Add renders of the sample clip assembly, and of the whole microscope
- !300: squashing some todos (Richard and Julian pair programming)
- !257: Mounting for Illumination board
- !297: Create zip of microscope source files and link to it in docs
- !292: Refactor optics module to implement changes from OFEP2
- !289: Simplify build script, removes STL selector data.
- !295: Fix regression which breaks illumination dovetail
- !296: nano position in nano_converter_plate.scad
- !291: Assorted fixes to instructions
- !290: Objective mount improvements
- !284: Added screws to retain small gear
- !287: Smoothed feet and fixed typo
- !286: Update okh.yml
- !288: Fix build which was broken by a reorganisation of STL extras repository
- !285: Update instructions to take advantage of GitBuilding v0.11
- !283: Prevent zenodo CI job running on "web"
- !281: Pi 3 and Sangaboard v0.3 support in electronics tray
- !282: Implementing GitBuilding zip links to download a zip of the STLs needed
- !280: Document LED wiring
- !279: Cutout for the illumination cable
- !277: Minor code cleanup
- !274: Improve docs
- !276: Precompiling main body stl for renders
- !272: Merge upright microscope into master
- !260: Code and structure clean up of the parts for upright microscope
- !271: Update smarter smart brim from Master
- !264: Fix stl meshes
- !248: Faster render
- !246: Updates to docs that require GitBuilding v0.9 to be released
- !265: Include stl_options.json in build output again
- !263: Add grant ids to zenodo metadata
- !262: Validate STLs
- !261: Fix compile error with OpenSCAD nightly build.
- !258: Explictly defining self tapping holes.
- !275: Upright without smart brim
- !256: Upright instructions
- !253: Upright
- !242: Improve stand
- !235: Allow passing arguments to ninja again
- !255: Cable tidy caps
- !247: Run pylint on build system
- !254: Added lots of comments
- !252: Mainbody nut trap
- !245: Move to OpenSCAD 2021 installed via a .deb file
- !236: Only warn about unclean dir if --force-clean is used
- !243: Mention oiling the actuator in the docs
- !229: Use gitbuilding
- !241: Fix outer thread generation code. This was a bug from cleanup
- !239: Rendering the picamera cover during assembly, flipping the condenser lens
- !238: Adjust camera cover around screws and for connector space
- !237: Fix dictionary errors in OpenSCAD 2021
- !231: Scad cleanup March 2021
- !232: Fix subprocess calls to get return codes in render.py
- !234: Move microscope stand functions to library
- !233: Add SCA2D code quality to CI and artifact to gitignore
- !223: Base for microscope with cable managment
- !222: Added illumination thumbscrew for new illumination
- !221: Improve version string
- !230: Modify counterbores and screw holes in picam2_cutout picamera_2_camera_mount and lens_spacer
- !225: Include rendering in build system
- !216: New illumination dovetail
- !214: Cable management
- !227: Allow generating json without including extra files
- !224: Fix uneven flexure length on back legs
- !228: Broke STL selector options into parseable functions
- !218: OFI kits have pre-assembled LED in 3_illumination.md
- !217: band insertion tool in 1_actuator_assembly.md
- !212: More renders for the documentation
- !213: More detail added to white_led.md
- !211: Remove uneeded hole on sides of feet.
- !210: Assembly renders
- !209: Make render fail on errors
- !208: Add select_stl_if="always"
- !206: Reflection cherrypicks
- !189: Led array holder
- !205: Reorganise into libraries and tidying up dependencies
- !204: Introduce scad dictionaries
- !203: Illumination cleanup
- !202: Honour the endstops flag
- !181: Med stable
- !199: Refactor build system to make the build.py useful again
- !196: Document size of dichroic filter slot (from SCAD)
- !192: Draft: Refactoring to try to move away from too many dangerous includes
- !194: Removed duplicated utility modules.
- !193: Improved central_optics_cut_out.
- !190: Split xy positioning system into separate module.
- !188: Fixes over-enthusiastic cutout in xy-base.
- !183: Separated STL generate and copy from Writer functionality
- !182: Reducing the number of options built as standard
- !178: Remove need for sample riser by adding nut traps to taller XY stage
- !180: Fix STL selection for picamera platform and cover
- !179: Link to microscope-stls.openflexure.org
- !176: Re-creating just_leg_test
- !177: Tidied up accessories
- !175: LFS and README changes
- !174: Sample riser changed: Elongated counterbore and trylobular holes for clips
- !155: Add JSON output of STL options for the JS web stl selector
- !168: Include prebuilt stl files
- !167: Fix: Corrects small typo in 0_bill_of_materials.md
- !170: Added letters to the feet.
- !171: Added OF emblem to illumination dovetail
- !169: Add a tip about power supply.
- !166: Print page clarity and circular link.
- !162: Wall thickness and nano-based motor driver case
- !164: Fixed fl cutout
- !152: Zenodo integration
- !165: Adding the motor order to the documentation
- !163: Json build output stand height
- !157: Updated microscope_stand for parametric wall thickness
- !160: Added a taller microscope stand
- !158: Make build work out of the box on MacOS
- !159: Add actuator tension band printable with TPU filament
- !150: Fixing the hole spacing for the sangaboard
- !156: Build instructions update
- !154: Fixed offset causing tools to attempt to print at different heights
- !153: Fixes for travel case
- !149: Made motor lugs disable-able
- !147: Smarter brim and better slide riser
- !148: Tool holder for band insertion tool
- !146: Tidying up explanation of Git LFS as Joe and I got confused again
- !145: split out top of z axis for easier integration into other assemblies
- !144: Fixed link to kitspace for sangaboard v0.3
- !143: Move mounting hole out of the way of sd card cutout
- !142: Updated repositories in README
- !134: Make a bigger opening for pi sd card
- !141: Refactor openscad parameter generation in build py
- !139: Pi4 compatible base
- !140: Fixed broken links in documentation
- !137: Reflection docs
- !136: Updated better reflection illuminator
- !131: Ninja build system
- !135: 6.0.0-beta.1
- !133: Fix generate_makefile documentation
- !125: First version of stronger feet
- !132: Thumbwheels for easier manual control
- !130: Refactor printing instructions
- !129: Added links to further information on optics components
- !128: Add type of condenser lens
- !124: Make mounting holes fit Sangaboard v0.3
- !123: Reduce LED size so it's gripped properly
- !115: Add .gitlab-ci.yml for autobuilding STLs
v7.0.0-alpha2 (2022-01-21)
- !281: Pi 3 and Sangaboard v0.3 support in electronics tray
- !282: Implementing GitBuilding zip links to download a zip of the STLs needed
- !280: Document LED wiring
- !279: Cutout for the illumination cable
- !277: Minor code cleanup
- !274: Improve docs
- !276: Precompiling main body stl for renders
- !272: Merge upright microscope into master
- !260: Code and structure clean up of the parts for upright microscope
- !271: Update smarter smart brim from Master
- !264: Fix stl meshes
- !248: Faster render
- !246: Updates to docs that require GitBuilding v0.9 to be released
- !265: Include stl_options.json in build output again
- !263: Add grant ids to zenodo metadata
- !262: Validate STLs
- !261: Fix compile error with OpenSCAD nightly build.
- !258: Explictly defining self tapping holes.
- !275: Upright without smart brim
- !256: Upright instructions
- !253: Upright
- !242: Improve stand
- !235: Allow passing arguments to ninja again
- !255: Cable tidy caps
- !247: Run pylint on build system
- !254: Added lots of comments
- !252: Mainbody nut trap
- !245: Move to OpenSCAD 2021 installed via a .deb file
- !236: Only warn about unclean dir if --force-clean is used
- !243: Mention oiling the actuator in the docs
- !229: Use gitbuilding
- !241: Fix outer thread generation code. This was a bug from cleanup
- !239: Rendering the picamera cover during assembly, flipping the condenser lens
- !238: Adjust camera cover around screws and for connector space
- !237: Fix dictionary errors in OpenSCAD 2021
- !231: Scad cleanup March 2021
- !232: Fix subprocess calls to get return codes in render.py
- !234: Move microscope stand functions to library
- !233: Add SCA2D code quality to CI and artifact to gitignore
- !223: Base for microscope with cable managment
- !222: Added illumination thumbscrew for new illumination
- !221: Improve version string
- !230: Modify counterbores and screw holes in picam2_cutout picamera_2_camera_mount and lens_spacer
- !225: Include rendering in build system
- !216: New illumination dovetail
- !214: Cable management
- !227: Allow generating json without including extra files
- !224: Fix uneven flexure length on back legs
- !228: Broke STL selector options into parseable functions
- !218: OFI kits have pre-assembled LED in 3_illumination.md
- !217: band insertion tool in 1_actuator_assembly.md
- !212: More renders for the documentation
- !213: More detail added to white_led.md
- !211: Remove uneeded hole on sides of feet.
- !210: Assembly renders
- !209: Make render fail on errors
- !208: Add select_stl_if="always"
- !206: Reflection cherrypicks
- !189: Led array holder
- !205: Reorganise into libraries and tidying up dependencies
- !204: Introduce scad dictionaries
- !203: Illumination cleanup
- !202: Honour the endstops flag
- !181: Med stable
- !199: Refactor build system to make the build.py useful again
- !196: Document size of dichroic filter slot (from SCAD)
- !192: Draft: Refactoring to try to move away from too many dangerous includes
- !194: Removed duplicated utility modules.
- !193: Improved central_optics_cut_out.
- !190: Split xy positioning system into separate module.
- !188: Fixes over-enthusiastic cutout in xy-base.
- !183: Separated STL generate and copy from Writer functionality
- !182: Reducing the number of options built as standard
- !178: Remove need for sample riser by adding nut traps to taller XY stage
- !180: Fix STL selection for picamera platform and cover
- !179: Link to microscope-stls.openflexure.org
- !176: Re-creating just_leg_test
- !177: Tidied up accessories
- !175: LFS and README changes
- !174: Sample riser changed: Elongated counterbore and trylobular holes for clips
- !155: Add JSON output of STL options for the JS web stl selector
- !168: Include prebuilt stl files
- !167: Fix: Corrects small typo in 0_bill_of_materials.md
- !170: Added letters to the feet.
- !171: Added OF emblem to illumination dovetail
- !169: Add a tip about power supply.
- !166: Print page clarity and circular link.
- !162: Wall thickness and nano-based motor driver case
- !164: Fixed fl cutout
- !152: Zenodo integration
- !165: Adding the motor order to the documentation
- !163: Json build output stand height
- !157: Updated microscope_stand for parametric wall thickness
- !160: Added a taller microscope stand
- !158: Make build work out of the box on MacOS
- !159: Add actuator tension band printable with TPU filament
- !150: Fixing the hole spacing for the sangaboard
- !156: Build instructions update
- !154: Fixed offset causing tools to attempt to print at different heights
- !153: Fixes for travel case
- !149: Made motor lugs disable-able
- !147: Smarter brim and better slide riser
- !148: Tool holder for band insertion tool
- !146: Tidying up explanation of Git LFS as Joe and I got confused again
- !145: split out top of z axis for easier integration into other assemblies
- !144: Fixed link to kitspace for sangaboard v0.3
- !143: Move mounting hole out of the way of sd card cutout
- !142: Updated repositories in README
- !134: Make a bigger opening for pi sd card
- !141: Refactor openscad parameter generation in build py
- !139: Pi4 compatible base
- !140: Fixed broken links in documentation
- !137: Reflection docs
- !136: Updated better reflection illuminator
- !131: Ninja build system
- !135: 6.0.0-beta.1
- !133: Fix generate_makefile documentation
- !125: First version of stronger feet
- !132: Thumbwheels for easier manual control
- !130: Refactor printing instructions
- !129: Added links to further information on optics components
- !128: Add type of condenser lens
- !124: Make mounting holes fit Sangaboard v0.3
- !123: Reduce LED size so it's gripped properly
- !115: Add .gitlab-ci.yml for autobuilding STLs
v7.0.0-alpha1 (2021-08-19)
- !242: Improve stand
- !235: Allow passing arguments to ninja again
- !255: Cable tidy caps
- !247: Run pylint on build system
- !254: Added lots of comments
- !252: Mainbody nut trap
- !245: Move to OpenSCAD 2021 installed via a .deb file
- !236: Only warn about unclean dir if --force-clean is used
- !243: Mention oiling the actuator in the docs
- !229: Use gitbuilding
- !241: Fix outer thread generation code. This was a bug from cleanup
- !239: Rendering the picamera cover during assembly, flipping the condenser lens
- !238: Adjust camera cover around screws and for connector space
- !237: Fix dictionary errors in OpenSCAD 2021
- !231: Scad cleanup March 2021
- !232: Fix subprocess calls to get return codes in render.py
- !234: Move microscope stand functions to library
- !233: Add SCA2D code quality to CI and artifact to gitignore
- !223: Base for microscope with cable managment
- !222: Added illumination thumbscrew for new illumination
- !221: Improve version string
- !230: Modify counterbores and screw holes in picam2_cutout picamera_2_camera_mount and lens_spacer
- !225: Include rendering in build system
- !216: New illumination dovetail
- !214: Cable management
- !227: Allow generating json without including extra files
- !224: Fix uneven flexure length on back legs
- !228: Broke STL selector options into parseable functions
- !218: OFI kits have pre-assembled LED in 3_illumination.md
- !217: band insertion tool in 1_actuator_assembly.md
- !212: More renders for the documentation
- !213: More detail added to white_led.md
- !211: Remove uneeded hole on sides of feet.
- !210: Assembly renders
- !209: Make render fail on errors
- !208: Add select_stl_if="always"
- !206: Reflection cherrypicks
- !189: Led array holder
- !205: Reorganise into libraries and tidying up dependencies
- !204: Introduce scad dictionaries
- !203: Illumination cleanup
- !202: Honour the endstops flag
- !181: Med stable
- !185: Fixed position of microscope stand RI cutout.
- !199: Refactor build system to make the build.py useful again
- !196: Document size of dichroic filter slot (from SCAD)
- !192: Draft: Refactoring to try to move away from too many dangerous includes
- !194: Removed duplicated utility modules.
- !193: Improved central_optics_cut_out.
- !190: Split xy positioning system into separate module.
- !188: Fixes over-enthusiastic cutout in xy-base.
- !183: Separated STL generate and copy from Writer functionality
- !182: Reducing the number of options built as standard
- !178: Remove need for sample riser by adding nut traps to taller XY stage
- !180: Fix STL selection for picamera platform and cover
- !179: Link to microscope-stls.openflexure.org
- !176: Re-creating just_leg_test
- !177: Tidied up accessories
- !175: LFS and README changes
- !174: Sample riser changed: Elongated counterbore and trylobular holes for clips
- !155: Add JSON output of STL options for the JS web stl selector
- !168: Include prebuilt stl files
- !167: Fix: Corrects small typo in 0_bill_of_materials.md
- !170: Added letters to the feet.
- !171: Added OF emblem to illumination dovetail
- !169: Add a tip about power supply.
- !166: Print page clarity and circular link.
- !162: Wall thickness and nano-based motor driver case
- !164: Fixed fl cutout
- !152: Zenodo integration
- !165: Adding the motor order to the documentation
- !163: Json build output stand height
- !157: Updated microscope_stand for parametric wall thickness
- !160: Added a taller microscope stand
- !158: Make build work out of the box on MacOS
- !159: Add actuator tension band printable with TPU filament
- !150: Fixing the hole spacing for the sangaboard
- !156: Build instructions update
- !154: Fixed offset causing tools to attempt to print at different heights
- !153: Fixes for travel case
- !149: Made motor lugs disable-able
- !147: Smarter brim and better slide riser
- !148: Tool holder for band insertion tool
- !146: Tidying up explanation of Git LFS as Joe and I got confused again
- !145: split out top of z axis for easier integration into other assemblies
- !144: Fixed link to kitspace for sangaboard v0.3
- !143: Move mounting hole out of the way of sd card cutout
- !142: Updated repositories in README
- !134: Make a bigger opening for pi sd card
- !141: Refactor openscad parameter generation in build py
- !139: Pi4 compatible base
- !140: Fixed broken links in documentation
- !137: Reflection docs
- !136: Updated better reflection illuminator
- !131: Ninja build system
- !135: 6.0.0-beta.1
- !133: Fix generate_makefile documentation
- !125: First version of stronger feet
- !132: Thumbwheels for easier manual control
- !130: Refactor printing instructions
- !129: Added links to further information on optics components
- !128: Add type of condenser lens
- !124: Make mounting holes fit Sangaboard v0.3
- !123: Reduce LED size so it's gripped properly
- !115: Add .gitlab-ci.yml for autobuilding STLs