gitlab mission-center-devs/mission-center v0.4.0

latest releases: v0.5.2, v0.5.1, v0.5.0...
7 months ago


  • Update to GTK 4.12 and libadwaita 1.4 #100
  • Redesigned the Performance tab to be adaptive #40 and #52
  • Early and very minimal Intel GPU support #32 and #5
  • Add GPU memory usage column to the Apps page #84
  • Added an AppImage #97
  • The Performance tab now shows what kind of virtualization is enabled on the host
  • The logical CPU graphs are now arranged in a more pleasing manner
  • The Gatherer was rearchitected and now uses D-Bus for communication with the main app


  • Fix misaligned header in the Apps tab with GTK 4.12 #90 and #126
  • Fix app and Gatherer not starting due to LD_PRELOAD being set in the host environment #115
  • Fix sometimes Apps not showing the accumulated resource usage from all it's children #104
  • Fix missing L1/2/3 CPU cache information missing when NUMA is not enabled #94
  • Fix Virtualization reported as Unknown under certain circumstances #88
  • Fix a Gatherer crash on older CPUs #71

A lot of new translations and fixes to existing ones

Huge thank you to everyone submitting PRs, issues and helping with translations. You are all awesome!

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