gitlab jeseibel/distant-horizons 1.16.5-a1.5.2

latest releases: 2.1.2a, 2.1.0a, 2.0.1a...
2 years ago

1.5.2 Additions

  1. Added a option to disable vanilla MC fog (it is enabled by default, and fog is now set to FAR by default) (#78)
  2. Added a option to increase the near clip plane (reducing overdraw issues, but causing issues when in/near rivers/oceans).

1.5.2 Bugfixes

  1. The OpenGL enum bug (#63)
  2. LODs being misaligned in third person (#84)
  3. the blindness potion effect
  4. renamed "disable drawing" in the config

1.5.1 Bugfixes

  1. Added support for OpenGL 4.5 - 1.4
    Best performance will still be with 4.5 however.
  2. Added logging based on what OpenGL version the user has.
  3. If the user has a OpenGL version less than 1.5 the game will crash with a helpful error message.

1.5.0 Major Additions

  1. Added lighting
    (and lightmap use for improved nighttime colors)
  2. Added vertical LODs
    Caves, overhangs, and float islands are now supported
  3. Texture based colors
    Fake chunk colors should now be much closer to what they are trying to represent.

Minor Additions

  1. Added file compression (files went from ~3000 KB to ~200 KB)
  2. Added a option to disable directional culling (potentially needed for VR or certain camera mods)
  3. Added support for camera mods (specifically tested with BetterThirdPerson and CameraOverhaul)
  4. Added a overdraw option (enabled by default) to reduce the chance of holes in the world
  5. Added a debug keybinding (disabled by default) to disable rendering (F6)


  1. Reduced stuttering when moving
    (This should be especially noticeable on higher render distances)
  2. A new world save format (fake chunks will need to be regenerated)
  3. compressed files
  4. Improved config defaults
  5. Reformatted and reworded config options
  6. Increased the required OpenGL version to 4.5 (from 1.5(?))
  7. Improved color transitions on transparent boundaries (specifically the transition between real and fake ocean chunks)


This version has been confirmed to work in Eclipse and retail Minecraft.
(retail running Forge: 1.16.5-36.1.3)

The commit attributed to this release has the wrong version number (a1.5.1).

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