gitlab jeseibel/distant-horizons 1.16.5-a1.4.1

latest releases: 2.0.1a, 2.0.0a, 1.6.11a...
2 years ago


  1. Updated the file save format from 4 to 5. This means LODs will have to be regenerated.
  2. Removed more temporary objects, reducing garbage collection


  1. Fixed z-fighting at +1,000,000 blocks (#37)
  2. Fixed file reading/writing failing when connecting to a server with a ":" in the IP (#61)
  3. Added barrier blocks to the list of ignored blocks
  4. Fixed a spelling mistake in the config
  5. Small misc. fixes to culling and rendering


This version has been confirmed to work in Eclipse and retail Minecraft. (retail running Forge: 1.16.5-36.1.0)

How can I download this mod?

click the "lod_1.16.5-a1.4.1.jar" link

How to compile

  1. download the source code and extract it somewhere
  2. open a command line in the project folder
  3. run the command: "./gradlew build"
  4. the compiled jar file will be in the folder "minecraft-lod-mod-XXXXX\build\libs"

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