Major Additions:
- The ability to generate chunks outside of the normal view distance in singleplayer
- The ability to generate chunks inside the normal view distance on servers
- A new render quality setting (single and double)
- A new render color mode (top and individual sides)
- Save file versioning
- Variable LOD distances through the config file
This version has been confirmed to work in Eclipse and retail Minecraft. (retail running forge 1.16.4-35.1.37)
How can download this mod?
click the "lod_1.16.4-a1.2.jar" link
How to compile
- download the source code and extract it somewhere
- open a command line in the project folder
- run the command: "./gradlew build"
- the compiled jar file will be in the folder "minecraft-lod-mod-1.16.4-a1.2\build\libs"