gitlab html-validate/html-validate v7.6.0

latest releases: v8.0.5, v8.0.4, v8.0.3...
20 months ago

7.6.0 (2022-10-10)


  • input-missing-label checks for presence of text (4aa7d77), closes #170
  • api: add HtmlElement.ariaLabelledby (8463d43)
  • api: expose classifyNodeText helper (97621fd)
  • api: new rule helper hasAccessibleText (b8f8330)
  • rules: classifyNodeText helper respects hidden and aria-hidden attributes (8ba2c5a)
  • rules: classifyNodeText option to ignore hidden attribute on element (41ba7f9)
  • rules: isHTMLHidden and isAriaHidden can return detailed results (fb28c2e)

Bug Fixes

  • <select> does no longer classify as having text content (3fb1d15)
  • <textarea> does no longer classify as having text content (04517cf)
  • rules: empty-heading satisfied by images with alt text (ff68fbb), closes #176

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