gitlab gitlab-org/gitlab-environment-toolkit 3.5.2

18 hours ago


ℹ️   The GitLab Environment Toolkit is a collection of opinionated Terraform and Ansible scripts to assist with the deployment of a self managed GitLab environment. It's recommended that users review the Before You Start section before use. Users should have a good working knowledge of Infrastructure management, Terraform, Ansible and GitLab administration as well as be aware that ultimately self managed environments are the responsibility of the user. As such, it's strongly recommended that you independently review the Toolkit in full to ensure it meets your requirements, especially around security or data integrity.

If upgrading, it's always recommended to review the release notes in full as well as the relevant documentation and to upgrade the Toolkit first before the environment.


  • Fixed an issue with Geo playbooks where actions would be skipped for 1k deployments. !1539 (thanks @nwestbury!)
  • Fixed an issue with handling custom Praefect Database users. !1536 (thanks @msubbareddy!)
  • Fixed an issue with GCP network peering. !1544
  • Python packages installed on Ansible controller have been updated. !1541

Upgrade Notes

Expected Terraform Changes

  • GCP VPC Subnet CIDR block is now included in the Terraform module output


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