gitlab gitlab-org/gitlab-environment-toolkit 2.8.6

latest releases: 3.3.1, 3.3.0, 3.2.2...
10 months ago


This release is specifically to handle the deprecation and removal of Grafana from the GitLab Linux package (Omnibus) from 16.3.0 upwards.

  • Changes
  • Upgrade Notes
    • Upgrades to GitLab 16.3 upwards with Grafana removal
  • Upcoming Breaking Changes
    • Full removal of Grafana
  • Feedback

ℹ  Before upgrading we recommend reviewing these release notes in full, in particular the Upgrade Notes section. We also strongly recommend checking upgrades first via dry runs to ensure they look to work as expected.

ℹ  It's recommended that users have a good working knowledge of Terraform, Ansible, GitLab administration as well as running applications at scale in production before using the Toolkit. While the Toolkit does aim to streamline the process notably, the same underlying challenges still apply when running applications at scale. For users who aren't in this position, our Professional Services team offers implementation services, but for those who want a more managed solution long term, it's recommended to instead explore our other offerings such as GitLab SaaS or GitLab Dedicated. Additionally, it's strongly recommended that you independently review the Toolkit in full to ensure it meets your requirements, especially around security. Further manual setup will also still likely be required based on your specific requirements.


  • Grafana is now configured to be disabled by default for GitLab installations on versions 16.0 upwards. !1098

Upgrade Notes

Upgrades to GitLab 16.3 upwards with Grafana removal

As announced previously, Omnibus-bundled Grafana has been deprecated due to licensing changes and is fully removed in GitLab versions 16.3 and higher.

As such, with this release of the Toolkit, Grafana is now disabled by default for all GitLab installations 16.0 and higher following Omnibus to allow for smooth upgrades.

For users who still wish to use the now deprecated version of Grafana in versions between 16.0 and 16.2 you can still do this as detailed in the documentation here via the monitor_enable_deprecated_grafana setting but please note it's now strongly recommended for you to deploy a newer and supported version of Grafana separately in every case.

Note that if you are still enabling Grafana on versions between 16.0.x and 16.2.x via the monitor_enable_deprecated_grafana setting that you must disable this and run the Toolkit first before upgrading to 16.3 and above to ensure all config has been removed. Failure to do so will result in Omnibus failing to upgrade and config needing to be corrected manually.

Upcoming Breaking Changes

Full removal of Grafana

In line with the announcement of Grafana deprecation please note that in the upcoming 3.0.0 release of the Toolkit, Grafana support will be removed fully.

Users are encouraged to switch to a separate install of a newer and supported version from Grafana Labs as soon as possible. Although please note that no data loss should occur here as Prometheus will remain.


Got any feedback or found an issue? Please feel free to create an issue on our tracker!

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