gitlab galacteek/galacteek v0.5.1

Galacteek 0.5.1 prerelease

AppImage IPFS binary download

This release is distributed on the IPFS network ! You can download it from a gateway here

The AppImage directory CID is:


If you want to download the AppImage directly from IPFS; run:

ipfs get /ipfs/bafybeigpgvylswvcjlfz5vfw34s42cwnipqcodsg4iwunqfoo7ugiknb24/Galacteek-0.5.1-x86_64.AppImage

If you run an IPFS node and want to help distributing this software, you can do so by running the following command:

ipfs pin add -r bafybeigpgvylswvcjlfz5vfw34s42cwnipqcodsg4iwunqfoo7ugiknb24

Release changelog


  • 1st iteration of a semantic dweb engine
    • Support translation of IPFS objects (mainly DAGs) to RDF graphs
    • Support querying the RDF graphs via SparQL from QML dapps
    • P2P SparQL services and exchange of objects over IPFS-P2P tunnels
  • Enable the use of the new experimental AcceleratedDHTClient go-ipfs setting (this activates an alternative, faster DHT client)
  • Support for IPFS URL browsing from QML (QtWebEngine QML integration)
  • i:/ URL scheme


  • Use go-ipfs version 0.9.0
  • Use fs-repo-migrations version 2.0.1


  • Bug fix: "link to QA toolbar action"

Using the AppImage

After downloading the AppImage, make it executable and then run it:

chmod +x Galacteek-0.5.1-x86_64.AppImage

The AppImage does not bundle libstdc++. If you use a Linux system with an old libstdc++ and cannot run the AppImage, please open an issue.

Be sure to install all the gstreamer packages to be able to use the mediaplayer.

If you have problems running the AppImage, be sure to visit this wiki page before opening an issue.

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