github zwave-js/node-zwave-js v7.0.0
Release v7.0.0

latest releases: v14.3.9, v14.3.8, v14.3.7...
3 years ago

Breaking changes · Migration guide

  • Renamed controller.removeNodeFromAllAssocations to controller.removeNodeFromAllAssociations to fix a typo
  • We've reworked/fixed the parsing of Node Information Frames (NIF) to match the specifications and changed node properties to make more sense
  • Nodes with a completed interview are no longer queried for all their values when restarting
  • The deltaTime and previousValue values for the Meter CC are no longer exposed
  • Numeric loglevels are converted to the corresponding string loglevel internally. driver.getLogConfig always returns the string loglevel regardless.
  • The "notification" event was decoupled from the Notification CC and now serves as a generic event for CC-specific notifications.


  • The logger formats were more cleanly separated between logger and transport instances. As a result, writing user-defined transports is now much easier.
  • Implemented a logfmt transport in
  • Added support for Entry Control CC. It has been found that some entry control devices don't follow some of the strict rules regarding the data format. The validation can be turned off with the compat option disableStrictEntryControlDataValidation.
  • Implemented an API to re-interview a single CC on a node and its endpoints without repeating the entire node interview
  • The stack of ZWaveErrors related to transmission errors now contain the call stack where the message was created instead of the internal state machine's stack
  • Added a compat option alarmMapping to map unstandardized V1 alarm values to standardized V2 notification events
  • Use the new compat option alarmMapping in Kwikset and Yale locks
  • Moved the deviceClass property from ZWaveNode to its base class Endpoint and consider the endpoint's device class where necessary


  • Changes to the logger configuration are now correctly applied dynamically
  • Changed how an error gets identified as a ZWaveError to avoid problems with duplicated dependencies
  • Writeonly parameters are no longer queried even if Configuration CC has version 3 or higher
  • Fall back to slow refresh behavior on Central Scene CC V2 if a delayed key up is detected
  • Handle incorrectly zero-terminated strings in name reports of Association Group Info CC
  • Allow healing single nodes
  • Manually requesting a re-interview while another one is still in progress no longer causes multiple interviews to happen in parallel

Config file changes

  • Add missing Sunricher device configs
  • Mark Alarm Sensor as not supported on FGBS001
  • Add Fakro ZWS230 chain actuator
  • Add RU version of ZW100 (FW 1.10)
  • Distinguish Popp Flow Stop valve versions 1 and 2
  • Add undocumented parameter 6 to ZW3104
  • Minor update for some Inovelli switches and dimmers

Changes under the hood

  • Added a missing callback function to the quick start example
  • Added an API to ConfigManager to look up device configurations without evaluating the conditionals

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