github zwave-js/node-zwave-js v5.3.2-alpha.0
Release v5.3.2-alpha.0

latest releases: v14.3.9, v14.3.8, v14.3.7...
pre-release4 years ago


  • Added / fixed some missing or incorrect exports from zwave-js:
    • The CCAPI type is now exported
    • NODE_ID_BROADCAST and NODE_ID_MAX are now value exports
    • The Endpoint class is now exported
    • The InterviewStage enum is now exported
  • Several user-facing errors were converted from Error to ZWaveError in order to be consistent with other errors.
  • Warnings about insecure communication with a node because of missing security configuration are now emitted as ZWaveErrors with code ZWaveErrorCodes.Controller_NodeInsecureCommunication
  • Internal references to @types/fs-extra and jest are no longer leaked, allowing users to consume this library without skipLibCheck
  • Sent nonces are now transmitted using the ACK and AutoRoute transmit options

Changes under the hood

  • SpyTransport was moved to @zwave-js/testing, a development-only testing package

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