github zwave-js/node-zwave-js v13.3.1
Release v13.3.1

latest releases: v14.3.8, v14.3.7, v14.3.6...
5 months ago


  • Fixed the identification of the primary controller role on some older controllers (#7174)
  • Fixed an issue where passing a custom log transport to updateOptions would cause a call stack overflow (#7173)
  • Implement deserialization for more WindowCoveringCC commands to be used in mocks (#7159)

Config file changes

  • Add Philio Technology Smart Keypad (#7168, #7175)
  • Add LED indication parameter for Inovelli NZW31 dimmer (#7172)

Changes under the hood

  • Fixed a build issue on Windows systems
  • Make mock-server.js executable (#7160, #7161)

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