github zwave-js/node-zwave-js v12.10.1
Release v12.10.1

latest releases: v14.3.8, v14.3.7, v14.3.6...
8 months ago

This release implements the workaround mentioned by Silicon Labs in their SDK 7.21.3 release notes. Jammed 700/800 series controllers (fail to transmit continuously) are now restarted when this situation is detected, which hopefully resolves the issue temporarily.

Unfortunately I have no way to reproduce the situation other than simulated tests, so please let us know if this actually helps or not.


  • Set supportsLongRange to false on controllers known not to support LR ever (#6894)
  • Attempt to recover jammed controller by soft-resetting (#6900)

Config file changes

  • Add fingerprint 0x0004:0xffff to "Yale YRD210" (#6899)

Changes under the hood

  • Migrate pack PR action to github-script (#6897)

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