github zulip/zulip 3.3
Zulip Server 3.3

latest releases: 8.4, 8.3, 8.2...
3 years ago
  • Guest users should not be allowed to post to streams marked “Only
    organization full members can post.” This flaw has existed since
    the feature was added in Zulip Server 3.0.
  • Permit outgoing mail from postfix; this resolves a bug introduced in
    Zulip Server 3.2 which prevented Zulip from sending outgoing mail if
    the local mail server (used mostly for incoming mail) was also used
    for outgoing email (MAIL_HOST='localhost').
  • Ensure that the upgrade-postgres tool upgrades the cluster’s data
    to the specific PostgreSQL version requested; this resolves a bug
    where, now that PostgreSQL 13 has been released, upgrade-postgres
    would attempt to upgrade to that version and not PostgreSQL 12.
  • Replace the impenetrably-named ./ knight with
    ./ change_user_role, and extend it to support
    “Organization owner” roles.
  • Handle realm emojis that have been manually deleted more gracefully.

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