github zubkov-andrei/pg_profile 4.8
Release 4.8

one day ago

pg_profile 4.8


Provided file pg_profile--4.8.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:

sudo tar xzf pg_profile--4.8.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension

You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:

CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;

If previous version of pg_profile is installed in your database, it can be updated:


Use provided pg_profile--4.8_manual.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access). Right now export and import functionalities is not supported in manually installed version.

For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file

Grafana dashboards

You can use Grafana to visualize pg_profile samples data as time series. It will help you to find time intervals for reports. Dashboards are in pg_profile_grafana_4.6.tar.gz file.


  • Added database extension version section (@blackstranger)
  • Add possibility to exclude some databases from report (@blackstranger)
  • Support of "on cpu" event provided by pg_wait_sampling 1.1.6 (noted in #114)
  • Report frontend fixes and optimizations (@Djoongaar)
  • Grafana dashboards fixed

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