github zloirock/core-js v3.8.0
3.8.0 - 2020.11.26

latest releases: v3.37.1, v3.37.0, v3.36.1...
3 years ago
  • Added relative indexing method stage 3 proposal
    • Array#at
    • %TypedArray%#at
  • Added Number.range stage 1 proposal
    • Number.range
    • BigInt.range
  • Added array filtering stage 1 proposal
    • Array#filterOut
    • %TypedArray%#filterOut
  • Added array deduplication stage 1 proposal
    • Array#uniqueBy
  • Added code points / code units explicit feature detection in String#at for preventing breakage code which use obsolete String#at proposal polyfill
  • Added the missed (es|stable)/instance/replace-all entries
  • Updated compat data mapping for Opera - from Opera 69, the difference with Chrome versions increased to 14
  • Compat data mapping for modern Android WebView to Chrome moved from targets parser directly to compat data
  • Depracate core-js-builder blacklist option in favor of exclude

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