github zio/zio-config v3.0.0-RC6

latest releases: v4.0.2, v4.0.1, v4.0.0...
2 years ago

What's changed

A highly simplified custom derivation compared to previous release.

Removed DeriveConfigDescriptor and SealedTraitStrategy

DeriveConfigDescriptor used to be the interface where users can override certain default behaviours of automatic derivation, mainly to change the way zio-config handles custom key names, and coproducts (sealed traits). Now this is deleted forever.

Take a look at the API docs of descriptor, descriptorForPureConfig, descriptorWithClassNames and descriptorWithoutClassNames for more information.

Custom keys is just about changing ConfigDescriptor

We recommend users to make use of mapKey in ConfigDescriptor to change any behaviour of the field-names (or class names, or sealed-trait names). The release ensures we no longer need to extend an interface called DeriveConfigDescriptor to change this behaviour.


Now on, the only way to change keys is as follows:

  // mapKey is just a function in `ConfigDescriptor` that pre-existed

  val config = descriptor[Config].mapKey(_.toUpperCase)

instead of

// No longer supported
val customDerivation = new DeriveConfigDescriptor {
  override def mapFieldName(key: String) = key.toUpperCase

import customDerivation._

val config = descriptor[Config]

Inbuilt support for pure-config

Many users make use of the label type in HOCON files to annotate the type of the coproduct.
Now on, zio-config has inbuilt support for reading such a file/string using descriptorForPureConfig.

    import zio.config._, typesafe._, magnolia._

     sealed trait X
     case class A(name: String) extends X
     case class B(age: Int) extends X

     case class AppConfig(x: X)

     val str =
        x : {
          type = A
          name = jon

     read(descriptorForPureConfig[AppConfig] from ConfigSource.fromHoconString(str))

Allow concise config source strings

With this release we have descriptorWithoutClassNames along with descriptor that just completely discards the name of the sealed-trait and sub-class (case-class) names, allowing your source less verbose. Note that unlike pure-config example above, we don't need to have an extra label type : A.

 sealed trait Y

 object Y {
   case class A(age: Int)     extends Y
   case class B(name: String) extends Y

 case class AppConfig(x: Y)

 val str =
            x : {
              age : 10

   read(descriptorWithoutClassNames[AppConfig] from ConfigSource.fromHoconString(str))

PS: If you are using descriptor instead of descriptorWithoutClassNames, then the source has to be:

            x : {
              A : { 
                  age : 10

Your ConfigSource is exactly your product and coproduct

Some users prefer to encode the config-source exactly the same as that of Scala class files. The implication is, the source will know the name of the sealed trait and the name of all of its subclasses. There are several advantages to such an approach, while it can be questionable in certain situations. Regardless, zio-config now has inbuilt support to have this pattern.


Say, the config ADT is as below:

   sealed trait Y

   object Y {
     case class A(age: Int)     extends Y
     case class B(name: String) extends Y

   case class AppConfig(x: X)

Then the corresponding config-source should be as follows. Keep a note that under x, the name of sealed trait Y also exist.

      val str =
           x : {
                 Y : {
                    A : {
                      age : 10

To read such a string (or any config-source encoded in such a hierarchy), use descriptorWithClassNames instead of descriptor. In short, descriptorWithClassNames considers the name of sealed-trait.

read(descriptorWithClassNames[AppConfig] from ConfigSource.fromHoconString(str))

More composable Descriptor

The whole bunch of methods such as descriptor works with the type class Descriptor. You can summon a Descriptor for type A using Descriptor[A].apply, which will give you access to lower level methods such as removeSubClassNameKey. These methods directly exist in ConfigDescriptor, however inaccessible, since there is no guarantee that a manually created ConfigDescriptor correctly tags keys to its types (i.e, a particular key is the name of a sub-class of a sealed-trait)

  case class A (...)

  val config1: Descriptor[A] =  Descriptor[A].removeSealedTraitNameKey
  val config2: Descriptor[A] = Descriptor[A].removeSubClassNameKey

 // similar to descriptorWithoutClassNames 
  val config3: Descriptor[A] =  Descriptor[A].removeSealedTraitNameKey. removeSubClassNameKey.mapFieldName(_.toUpperCase) 


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